Clannad has subtle moe and harem elements....
But they are VERY SUBTLE, and you should still watch it.
However, since you're asking for weekly anime, Clannad won't last you very long; it's only got two episodes left. I would recommend Shakugan no Shana 2, Spice and Wolf, and Gundam 00, but they suffer the same problem.
The best I can give you is to watch the first season of Code Geass within the next month and start watching the second season when it starts airing on April 6.
Other than that, theres always fillerific Bleach and Naruto which will NEVER END EVER.
As for anime no longer airing in Japan (Completely done).
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (third season announced, but I'd just pretend its not)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann