Argh, Trying to figure out which song these lyrics are from

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Argh, Trying to figure out which song these lyrics are from

Post by fps_goku420 » Sun May 25, 2008 5:30 am

I've had this tune in my head for a week now, I listened through all the songs that I thought it would've been under..

It's probably a techno song though, a girl sings it, I think I heard it from an amv here or so... here are what I think the lyrics are:

"come again, my love she said, when, you, get, closer..."

err, the tune goes like... argh.. it'll be hard to describe it in words lol

"(low)Commmme (high)Agaaain, (low)my love (high)She said. (tune changes to saying each word seperately) (low humming) Whennnnnnn (high)You(pause) (high)Get(puase) Closer....."

lol ><


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