I have a big problem with proper cleaning of my video source. It's a x264 version of Perfect Blue in 720p. That's right! This awesome movie got "remasterd" in high definition.
Well sort of. The pictures are still shakeing and there is tons of grain to avoid. The grain really bugs me It makes it damn hard to compress it on a proper filesize/quality ratio and in HD the amv quality just sucks ass.
Ok let's get to the problem in detail. I use some degrain avisynth functiond. I wanted to try the filter TemporalDegrain(), but I have some .dll problems. My current solution removes the grain quite good, but it leaves "colour stairs". I just call it that way. It happens on radiant colour spaces.
Just have a look at this frame. It's with the turned on script. I made a red circle around the colour stairs. (Can anybody tell me the proper name of colour stairs: I highly apprecite it!):
This is the same frame without the script:
This is my script:
Code: Select all
DirectShowSource("Perfect_Blue_(1998)_720p_LAGS.avi, audio=false")
Lanczos4Resize(1280, 720)