A&E's Technical Guides to All Things Audio and Video (v3)

Welcome to ErMaC and AbsoluteDestiny's guides to all things audio and video version 3!

As of version 3, this guide is being maintained primarily by Zarxrax.

These guides are designed to give you an insight into the theory behind audio and video and also to show you how to get some of the best looking and sounding AMVs that you can using software in Windows. Please note that this guide is intended to be read in its ENTIRETY. If you simply skip around, it is VERY likely that you will be confused.

You can download this guide for offline viewing by clicking here.

Getting Started

Download AMVApp 3.1

Theory Guides:

Video Basics



Video Compression

Codecs and Containers

Multimedia Frameworks

Aspect Ratios


Understanding Audio

Audio Compression

The AMVapp, AVIsynth and AvsPmod

Installing the AMVapp

AviSynth & AvsPmod: What they are and why you need to use them!

Producing your AMV:

Getting your Video

Overview - Read this!

Options for Video Sources

- Using Various Media Files for Footage

- Ripping DVD Footage (vob files)

- Indexing your DVD footage with DGIndex and loading the d2v files into an avisynth script

- Analyzing the DVD Footage
    (-Is it Interlaced?
    - Interlacing Methods)

- Restoring Progressive Frames

- Dealing with Aspect Ratios

- Cleaning up the footage

- Deciding what to do with the avisynth file(s)

- Making Clips or
- Editing avs files directly or
- Editing with Proxy files

Getting your Audio


How to get perfect audio copies from -



Downloaded Audio

Video Files

Editing and Preparing your audio

Editing your music/song so it's shorter

Editing your AMV:

Setting up a Video Editing Project

(Edit your video here)

Exporting Your AMV Ready For Compression

Post Production:

Post Production

Before you begin
Removing any remaining Interlacing
Aspect Ratios and Frame Sizes
Improving visual quality with AVS filters

Online Video Distribution

Compressing to H.264 with Zarx264gui

Guidelines for sending your video to a convention

Guidlines for sending your video to a convention