JOURNAL: Abaddon_Archangel (Sean Fox)

  • Blarg, and more blarg... 2003-08-24 19:52:30 I just got back from my friend's b-day party. It was awsome. We had boffer fighting, RPing, and many other great wonderful things. I say "any party where my boxers end up on backwards = good party." I have no idea how it happened, but I ended up with my boxers on backwards, a girl I just met wearing my button up all night, almost killing a few RPG party members, and sleeping "cutely", as many have put it.

    Mu girlfrined went with me, but I kinda wish she didn't go. Not that I didn't want her there, but, she was sick at the time, I showed her up by playing DDR really well (for my first time ever playing [beating her almost every time]), and she lost her contacts. For her it was pretty bad, but we all had fun.

    We played "Hunter: The Reconing" on gamecube and I HAVE to get it on PS2 now. We all had so much fun playing that game it was hilarious. You should have felt the love in the room during our games (note: HEAVY sarcasm there). Everyone's favorite quote of the night was when we were all trying to jump from one ledge to another, but we all kept falling down. So my one friend Cleppy decided to take the easy way and this is how it went:

    Cleppy: "I bet I can make it"
    Me: "Not if I shoot you!"

    Good thing friendly fire was off... heheh... kill Kaylie, kill the little bitch! Ahh, Judge flashback. So, the party went like this:

    Cleppy: Defender

    Cleppy isa one of the biggest munchkins I've ever met, and he proved it here. He would cower in the corner and shoot while we took the damage, and if he ever saw any health or constitution orbs, he'd steal them. And during the first few levfels, he'd heal himself constatly. I hated his charecter untill level three when he got the heal-all type spell, then we all loved him.

    Quote: (after catching on fire, while running in circles) "It burns! It burns!"

    Ken: Avenger

    Ken was great as any char., and he brough the game so he had some grasp of it. He just bought it not too long before bringing it over, so he never played it to the end, so we were all learning as we went. Of course we would all call each other by our class names, so he wqas "Avenger" and when ever anyone would yell to him to tell him to do something the infomous "Avenger! Get BirdMan coffee!" line would be said. Ahhh Cartoon Network... Huzzah.

    Quote: "Skelington! Get the skelington!"

    Luna: Martyr

    Luna made a kick-ass Martyr. She was hyper (it was 2 am and we all took a no-doze, so we all where hyped up on caffine) so whenever she hit her first level Edge, she would run around screaming and giggling. It was hilarious. And of course instead of calling her Martyr, it was mostly "Luna on crack! over here!" if it wasn't the normal "Martyr, UP!" or "Martyr, LEFT!" as me and Ken shouted out orders (We had been playing the longest, and Cleppy left before the 2 am game, replaced by Joe, who stole the Judge... damn him! *shakes fist*) Anyway, Luna rulled as the Martyr.

    Quote: (while on fire, running in circles) "I'm on fire! I'mn on fire!"
    (when not on fire, but someone else is) "You're on fire! You're on fire!" or "I'mn not on fire! I'm not on fire!"

    (whenver she wasn't randomly giggling maniacly after getting the machine guns)

    (after getting shotgun) "This is my boomstick!"

    Fox (Me): Judge
    I made a pretty good Judge, I think. I'm used to sword-fighting melee, so the Judge was perfect for me. While I wasn't in melee, I was either near death, meaning I wasn't allowed in the melee, or I was killing the vamp. bitches with one hit ala crossbow (we figured that out around 1:30 on a cheat site, beacuse we have not common sense *wooden arrows = stake = vampire 1 hit kill... wha?*) I talkeds to Wil in the third person alot while playing telling her what was "good for Fox" or "bad for Fox" (i.e. "Flamethrower zombies = bad for Fox [sadly enough I SAID equals]) Wil was the camera woman, which I will get into later. All around, I enjoyed using the Judge's kick-ass "Fuck you all up" Edge, although my aim was off a few times...damn puking bear....

    Quote: Urge to blow up car rising... wait no, Martyr!... shit...." (Luna then proceeds to glomp me)

    Wil: Camerawoman

    Early on, while it was just Ken, Cleppy, and I, we talked about how the fourth person "just went home" when no one played them, so Wil made the comment that the left out person held the camera, so that was pretty much her jon through the entire game, plus, telling us when to jumps at a certain point, which turned out very useful. Durning the midnight run of the game downstairs, she translated our gamepeach. If you don't know what gamespeach is, you haven't played enough games that require you to talk to other people next to you will kiulling things in-game. Gamespeach = "Spanky, LEFT!" usually meaning "Cleppy/Defender, LEFT!" or "We have to switch the flip!" meaning "We have to flip the switch." Or sometimes ramblings of a madman counted. Such as: "Kill the Imnocent! Die Kaylie die!" *slice, shoot, slice* "Damn she can't be killed by us!"

    Quote: "It's ok, Fox" (UYsually while patting me on the back after I did something incredibly stupid, like telling everyone NOT to fall right before falling.)

    Wil's favorite Quote of the night: "OH MY GOD IT TALKS!" Ala Carpenter.


    All in all, we had a great time. I shant go into any more detail then the Hunter game because that was like the best part. DDR was fun, but not as great as Hunter! I need that game sooo bad now, and out of the night, I got a pink ribbon tied to my belt loop ala Wil. Thamnks ^_~.

    In the end, I woke up with boxers on bckwards, Luna's dad thinking I was female (short story - I have long hair), a ribbon (even though I'm not fond of pink), much experience in many things, some new friends, A sugar high that got me sick (Wil feeding me shock-tarts while I played = yummy) And I got to see Kung Pow! again. "I used to be an Elf, where are my curly shoes?!" So it was a GREAT party! Yatta!

    Although seeing Wil from behind wearing my shirt kind freaked me out for a sec because it looked like that was all she was wearing. But that (and the boxers thing) were the only thing(s) that freaked me out.

    Well, that's all folks, always remember - Sheep with shotguns = kickass war game, and Skitters are BAD for you.

    (btw - no, i din't run this through spellchecker)

    C-yaz... time fore sleepy.

  • Yawn... 2003-08-23 12:22:35 Hey everyone, just updating for laughs, really. My girlfriend is kinda under the weather and that saddens me. My forehead hurts... reason left unsaid. I'm going to my friends birthday party today *dances all Chibi-Fox like* Ashley (my girl) is going too, even if she is feeling bad. Not a food idea to me... oh well, I can't change her mind. You know women...

    Not much Anime news to report. My friend (whose party I'm going to) loves anime, so I may get few movies.  
  • I'll never sleep again. 2003-08-21 22:59:15 No, not an AMV creator's promise. I fell asleep over my girlfriend's house tonight and wound up getting home late. My parents were fine with it, but I'm not so sure her's where. Whatever, I'm just not gonna sleep ever again, that's all. Well, whatever. I'm gonna try to make another review for an NES game, but I don't know which one it'll be...

    Maybe FF 1, I have it. Of course, alot of 8-bit Theater referances will be made and if you don't read that web comic ( you'll be missing out on the punchlines. Any suggestions? I'm bored, have no life outside my girlfriend, video games, AMVs, and Anime. So I need something to do while my girlfriend is away. Send me any suggestions for a game to review. I love doing it so it'll be a pleasure. 
  • 2003-08-20 23:14:22 The original Legend of Zelda has to be THE sinlge greatest game known
    to man. I mean, it started it all. The great legacy of the Hero of
    Time Link, and the beutiful Princess Zelda. No one can forget the
    ruthless and overly-ugly Gannondorf.

    I was revising my NES collection recently and came across my love, The
    Legend of Zelda. I smiled ( ^_^ ), did a little dance *does a little
    dance*, and poped it in. After screwing with it a few times (it is
    after all, original NES), it started up. Fun ensude.
    Now for what I think after years and years of playing 3d games:

    Graphics: For an 8-bit game, I thought it was quite revolutionary. I
    mean, you can't NOT love 8-bit Link! I love all 8-bit and I think
    8-bit games are in a retro phase right now, they're coming back!

    Graphics (1-10): 9

    Plot: Well... it's a good plot, BUT they never really move it along in
    the game. They just let you figure it out for yourself, which I like
    and dislike. Sometimes I like being told where to go. Of course I HATE
    those men in the dungeons, they're annoying. You're thinking "Ok, next
    room, maybe a key, maybe a secret room... ahh shit! A wise man!!" and
    it you attack them you get fireballs shot at you. Kinda like the early
    version of cuccos.

    Plot (1-10): 9.6

    Gameplay: This is split into three sections, Fighting, Systems, and

    Fighting: Simply incredible. Battling with no waiting. SOmething the
    Final Fantasies lack. Of course, that's a downside at times.
    Especially with the lack of menuverability due to it's 8-bit nature.
    Overall, I love both it and FF's style. I'd choose melee ove FF's over
    any day though. Sorry. ~_^. Besides, I have two words - Infinate

    Systems: Also great. I mean, bombs, 2 different boomerangs, two
    different candles, bow and arrows, rafts, ladders... well, we'll not
    talk about the "ladders" -_-;. Anyway, all of the items, synced into
    one system, then there's the Triforce, of course. Maps, compasses, all
    incredibly put together for use at the right moment, and a great use
    of the A/B button controls.

    Map: Alas, every game needs a downfall, right? I mean, I like the map
    and all, but HOPPING JESUS ON A HOTPLATE is it confusing! If you were to ask me how to get to any level besides the first one it would be
    better off asking a blind man. I get around by my favorite LoZ
    quality: Dumb Luck. I went from Level-1 to Level-8 to Level-2 (Mind
    you, I didn't beat Level-8 before 2. C'mon now, in each room was the
    boss of Level-3, how could I?). I like the map, I just wish there was
    some consistancy.

    Gameplay (1-10): 10
    Fighting (1-10): 9.8
    Systems (1-10): 10
    Map (1-10) 7.5

    Enemies: Umm, ineresting sort, they are. Interesting indeed. The
    blobs.. which are only fun when you get the master sword, the red and
    blue knights... have you say "Turn the fuck around so I can kill
    you!!!" all the time... keese fun with a boomerang. All the others
    are... well, fun to kill. And I'm not sure if anyone else has this
    problem, but I can't leave a room until I clear it. Even if I know
    nothing is to be gained, I'll kill every last thing in that room,
    maybe it's a old habit, anyone?

    Enemies (1-10): 9

    Bosses: Incredible. Especially Ganny. You have to love that weird
    looking guy. It's hilarious to look back considering all that Gannon
    looks like now. Pluse the fact that Gannon has the human form
    Gannondorf now. The worst is the first Boss though, that damn unicorn
    this is ANNOYING as a first Boss, ne?

    Bosses (1-10): 9.3

    Music: The best ever! It can rival Nobou himself. I mean the opening
    theme to LoZ is know universally. Who DOESN'T know the theme, right
    when they hear it? I mean, aside from that, the original doesn't have
    very good music, but the opening them MORE than makes up for it.

    Music (1-10): 9.5

    Sound FX: Also great. A few choise sounds are unmistakeable. Like the
    revelation sound. The sound when you find a secret. I love that sound
    so much. It's great, isn't it? Whenever I get the chance, I reveal a
    secret just to hear the sound, even if I got that secret already.
    Death sound- great again. The spinny/drop sound is funny to hear and
    lightens the mood of death. One sound I do hate though: The one heart
    left beep. Uggg! -_-;;. I fill up my hearts, not because I fear death,
    but because I HATE the beeping! Other than that, best sound evar!
    (Spelling mistake intentional)

    Sound FX (1-10): 9.8

    Overall: Greatest game ever made or just the start of something that
    will spawn into unimaingable greatness (Aside from Wind Waker. The
    cell shading hurts my soul...) I was a fan of Zelda before I was a fan
    of FF, and I've seen the best of both worlds. I do love them both, but
    I must say, I've loved LoZ longer, therefore has a greater impact on
    my life. I was playing 8-bit Zelda when I was like 5 and I'm still
    playing it 17. Talk about replay value! I've played all of the Zelda
    games except Wind Waker, and I've beaten them all except W.W. and
    Majora's Mask. My two favorites are the original and Ocarina of Time,
    of course. I like the original plot the best. "Get Master Sword. Save
    the Princess, kill the bad ugly dude... don't mess up the hair. Keep
    tunic clean..." That's about it.

    Overall (1-10) 10+

    I hope you enjoyed this overview of LoZ for NES. I would like to hear
    comments on it if you liked it or didn't. Send your comments to, thanks. I'll try to respond with a little
    "Thank you" if I can. (BTW- my dream is to become a writer for OPM
    [Official Playstation Magazine] or any magazine from Ziff Davis corp.)
    well, See you all later... I'm gonna go finish playing..

    Sean Fox aka Spyke Rancid aka "Abbadon_Archangel".
  • A Problem 2003-08-19 11:31:33 "Alright, I'll be the first of a few to admit it. When it comes to Premiere, I'm very n00b-ish. -_-;. It saddens me to say it, but I haven't a clue about that program. Being stuck in the Windows Movie Maker loop for so long, I can't translate myself over. I had no idea there were better programs out there... It's sad, I know. The differance is, I WANT to learn. I'm very willing to take any advice given to me by the pros. I want to make GOOD videos that anyone can enjoy, and I know my videos thusfar have been lacking. Even though they look somewhat slapped-together at times. I poured my heart into every video I made. I love each of them, even though they have poor video quality and sound quality, but I was limited as an artist. If any pro or Premiere-prone artist has any free-time they are willing to spare on this fallen soul, it would be greately appriciated, and in turn I will be able to stop the crappy video-crations and move on to new, better videos. Thank you."

    -Spyke Rancid (Sean Fox)- 
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