JOURNAL: Kumorigoe (Robert Romig)

  • I'm not dead... 2002-08-19 16:27:22 I havent died, just gone aground for a while. I'm in Florida right now, in military school for aviation, learning to work on Harrier attack jets. I have been slowly buying anime and saving for a system with which to start making vids again. I will return... 
  • Home at last..... 2002-02-24 01:26:21 Well, I just got in from my flight back in from San Diego. I managed to survive boot camp, and am now a United States Marine. I don't know if anyone here remembers me, or even cares that much, but I'm back, at least for a few days... 
  • ::hums "Mamboleo":: 2001-10-25 01:40:27 Well, I managed to teach myself enough HTML to put up a guide to cables and connectors. Hopefully, it'll be much more comprehensive before long. I agreed to work overnight two nights next week, 11:30 PM to 7:30 AM. I think that the lack of sleep the past few days is clouding my judgment... 
  • ::sings:: "It's my life, it's now or never..." 2001-10-24 00:28:47 A lot of crazy stuff happening lately. I have a month to go before I go to hell on earth, A.K.A. Marine Corps Boot Camp. THe good news is, they pay me to make me a Marine. The bad news is, it'll be a year away form my fiancee. How I'll make it, I have no idea.

    The creative juices seem to have dried up. About the only thing that I really want to do is get a PS2, the GW DVD set, and remake my video the way it was meant to be. I don't have the anime collection, nor the contacts or equipment to do more videos the way I want to. Well, thats about enough ranting out of me for now. Later Journal. 
  • zzzzzzzzz 2001-10-23 11:28:59 As i sit here, waiting for another video to download, I wonder why no one is ever in the chat room. I mean, we have thousands or registered members, and yet, no one seems to want to talk. 
Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 04:34:41