amvwizard chasing an armadillo.
2006-03-13 19:13:41
I'd pay to see that.
VCA Voting.
2006-03-03 01:50:03
OK, I just voted in the VCAs. I must say, that apart from the Wizard of Osaka, I did not see ANY of the AMVs that I voted for. Wizard of Osaka got a lots of votes, needless to say. I also recall (fuck, it's like recalling something that happened like, three minutes ago) casting a lot of votes for Sierra Lorna for some reason or another. Besides that, I voted due to which creator I like better from this forum anyway. That meant Scintilla got my vote for Most Helpful, and angelx03 got my vote as Rookie of the Year. I suppose these are all bad reasons to vote, but , WTF.
There was also an election in Canada a few weeks ago. Or so we are led to believe. Actually, I DO know because I voted in THAT election as well (although my voting behaviour was more rational). It produced a Prime Minister whose main skill so far is avoiding press conferences. Such behaviour as exhibited by Mr. Harper makes me wonder whether his goal is to "play it safe" so he can get a majority, or simply to destroy the country.
In other news, the Shoujo-Ai Heavens are STILL down for repairs. Fuck, just how much damage did the Ten Malefactors do to the database that the repairs would take this long? <Flint emote here.>
BTW, I don't like any of the new logo choices anymore than I like the "Me sucky sucky" logo we have now.
Marshall McLuhan quote I found on some blog or other.
2006-01-29 03:35:13
"Xerography is bringing a reign of terror into the world of publishing because it means that every reader can become both author and publisher... Authorship and readership alike can become production-oriented under xerography. Anyone can take a book apart, insert parts of other books and other materials of his own interest, and make his own book in a relatively fast time. Any teacher can take any ten textbooks on any subject and custome-make a different one by simply xeroxing a chapter from this on and from that one... [But ] Xerography is electricity invading the world of typography, and it means a total revolution in this old sphere."
- The Medium is the Massage
Very interesting, considering what we do here. Except of course, McLuhan's prediction doesn't actually pertain to photocopiers. (I mean, photocopies at the Toronto Reference Library cost $0.15 a pop)
I noticed the AMV Radio forum is gone. I downloaded the latest mp3 of the RDS radio show. It seems kind of incomplete, shall we say. Satomi has a nice voice, though. :)
Oh yeah, there's been an election here recently. >_<
Still spending most of my time on Gaia, which is why I'm hardly here, and on Demonseal. Shoujo-Ai Heavens are down....temporarily.
Not pimping my only AMV so far for the VCAs. I mean, it's weird and all, but it averages only a 3 star scale. Of course, if anyone wants to pimp it for me, or nominate it for anything, they're welcome to do so. I'm just not sure I have that kind of chutzpah.
My Head is Still Spinning.
2005-11-26 06:49:48
Well, I went to Con no Baka. You would think that given the publicity it would have had better attendance, but there were not a hell of a lot of people there. Didn't see anyone I recognized, but then most here don't know what I look like, so there. There was especially a shortage of hot girls there as well. I bought a Gasaraki DVD and a Princess Tutu DVD. Including the admission fee, I must have saved anywhere from 10 to about 15 bucks. I also bought some food, including a bottle of Ramune. Never had that stuff before. It's pretty good. Also went to the AMV screening, I got there when they were half done or something, so I missed out on a lot of AMVs. The funniest one had to do with Anime clichés.
Now the sad news. I'm not talking about the death of Pat Morita or anything like that. The Heavens are back, and oh boy. I still don't know what to make of it...the words "What the Fuck?" just doesn't suffice to convey my reactions. As you can read below, Zero mentioned that a "rogue group" tried to bring the Heavens down. I had no idea he meant that it was an inside job, which at this point, is all that I find clear. What kind of slime shitball would want to destroy the Heavens!? is what I wanna know. My head is still spinning from all this...and it'll take a while before I get my grips on this whole situation. I'm not going to delve too much into the details, you can go there yourself; there are quite a few threads there that discuss the matter. In fact, it's about the only thing to discuss - all the other forums there happen to be locked at the moment (the place is still not fully restored). It's certain that I'm disappointed, to say the least, at a number of people, who I didn't really know that well on a personal level but who I trusted because they were Mods or Admins and comported themselves well at least made a show of it. Of course, I never had access to any Mod-only sections for obvious reasons, so I never knew of any real bad blood between the people running the Heavens. This has hurt a lot of people, and the people who wanted to euthanize the Heavens might just get their way if people abandon the place, which they just might because of this incident. I honestly can't think of a parallel to this.
Holy Shit! Demonseal is back!
2005-11-21 04:50:52
...And I was on the verge of removing the link from my sig too.
Anyway, I'm glad it's back. I still might have to remove the Heavens link if that site never comesback. I should remove the AMV de fans link because I never go there and I forgot my password.
Anyway, speaking of links, here's an interesting one:
It's the e-text of Pliny the Elder's Natural History. There are all sort of e-texts on the web, but I've been looking for this one for a long time. There's lots of weird, even Fortean stuff in the book. Pliny the Elder collected all the lore about science in his day and put it in this book, and he even died in the cause of science, perishing in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius that buried Pompeii and Herculaneum. It's composed of more than 26 books, so it's more for browsing than anything else. I wanted to research it to check out some claims made by Dead Sea Scrolls scholar John Allegro in his book, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross." Allegro's thesis was that Christianity began as a cult devoted to the consumption of the mushroom Amanita muscaria, commonly known as Fly Agaric. The New Testament, is full of cryptic allusions and puns relating to the sacred mushroom, he said. He supported this thesis with some very dodgy linguistics (he claimed that Semitic and Indo-European vocabulary are traceable to Sumerian). Most words and sacred names, in his theory, derived from agglutinisation of Sumerian syllables that usually have to do with penises and erections and the like. He even uses that method even when it would be superlative for the purpose of illustrating his points. Needless to say, I do not buy into his theory, but I have a collected more than a thousand pages of documents over the internet relating to the historicity of Jesus and have come to the conclusion that the evidence for his existence is Zilch, and that he probably never existed. :/
Anyway, there's a lot of weird stuff in Pliny. I've only read about half of book II, and Pliny seems to think:
- That lightning is a *planetary* phenomenon, almost an astrological one.
- "...many suns have been seen at the same time; not above or below the real sun, but in an oblique direction, never near nor opposite to the earth, nor in the night, but either in the east or in the west. They are said to have been seen once at noon in the Bosphorus, and to have continued from morning until sunset. Our ancestors have frequently seen three suns at the same time..."
- "Three moons have also been seen, as was the case in the consulship of Cn. Domitius and C. Fannius; they have generally been named nocturnal suns."
- Lightning never strikes the laurel nor sea-calves (in Suetonius we read that it's seals that never get struck).
- "In the consulship of L. Paulus and C. Marcellus it rained wool, round the castle of Carissanum, near which place, a year after, T. Annius Milo was killed. It is recorded, among the transactions of that year, that when he was pleading his own cause, there was a shower of baked tiles."
- "Also, that in the third consulship of Marius, armies were seen in the heavens by the Amerini and the Tudertes, encountering each other, as if from the east and west, and that those from the east were repelled. It is not at all wonderful for the heavens themselves to be in flames, and it has been more frequently observed when the clouds have taken up a great deal of fire. "
- I wonder if Columbus read this: "The same Cornelius Nepos, when speaking of the northern circumnavigation, tells us that Q. Metellus Celer, the colleague of L. Afranius in the consulship, but then a proconsul in Gaul, had a present made to him by the king of the Suevi, of certain Indians, who sailing from India for the purpose of commerce, had been driven by tempests into Germany."
- "The prodigy which happened in our own age was no less wonderful; in the last year of the emperor Nero, as I have related in my history of his times, when certain fields and olive grounds in the district of Marrucinum, belonging to Vectius Marcellus, a Roman knight, the steward of Nero, changed places with each other, although the public highway was interposed. " WTF!?
- "About Assos, in Troas, a stone is found, by which all bodies are consumed; it is called Sarcophagus. There are two mountains near the river Indus; the nature of one is to attract iron, of the other to repel it: hence, if there be nails in the shoes, the feet cannot be drawn off the one, or set down on the other. It has been noticed, that at Locris and Crotona, there has never been a pestilence, nor have they ever suffered from an earthquake; in Lycia there are always forty calm days before an earthquake. In the territory of Argyripa the corn which is sown never springs up. At the altars of Mucius, in the country of the Veii, and about Tusculum, and in the Cimmerian Forest, there are places in which things that are pushed into the ground cannot be pulled out again. "
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