savage (Duncan Wan)
ooooooooooooooooooo purdy
2001-12-21 21:29:58
i got a gamecube today! oh HELL YES!!!!!!!1
that means this will put a damper on current projects. haha
2001-12-20 19:37:07
merry x-mas all. i plan to do some major partying this holiday. and also do some major hard work. school and amv work. after i finish current project gonna work on some of my own projects i put on hold. such as love hina amv and a various amv centered around love. also vandread amv too. many many works. *sigh*
anyways. got about 2 weeks left until is offically up. so much work to do - -;;
at least today was last day for soldats amv contest. i entered mine already.
well happy holidays everyone hope u all have a blast
2001-12-17 09:33:00
i just recieved two songs a dF memeber made for dF amazingly good. one is a agressive mix of ame agari, angelic layer second ending song, and the other is a promotional song for dreamformations. amazing. he did that one from stratch. i ph33r his soundforge skillz. ^ ^
hmm late start today...... i should go to school soon. not much to write about. gonna work on project after school and maybe get it done so i don't get murdered ^ ^;;
have to finished premiere tutorial for dF website and also do a video's page. *sigh* much work. i'm off to school. wish me luck as this is the last week of school and then it's christmas break! WOOOt
oh yea. turning 18 on january 4th. that'll be pretty interesting..
2001-12-16 22:02:28
w000t i currently have about 2 minutes done for my secret project ^ ^
it will be released latest new years. so keep on waiting! ^ ^
also i'd like to add that vandread 2nd stage is better then 1st season. in my opinion. much more character relations are shown and it's not just all about the fighting ^ ^
if u haven't watched it yet. i suggest u check it out.
..... i've also heard that AL has been subbed up to episode 26. but in LQ. ....... i think i'll wait for slow AC to do it. so slow X_X
2001-12-14 22:06:45
i'm pretty sure some of you have heard about the snow fall today in Toronto. well i almost died twice driving my friends home. skidding in a van is very bad. just got out of two traffic accidents. snow is one of the toughest conditions to drive in. packing snow is the toughest. i think it snowed an inch or so, so far. i don't really want to drive as of right now any time soon... there goes my weekend....
Current server time: Jan 12, 2025 18:37:47