ibabrak (Martin )
Holiday plans
2012-06-25 10:08:49
Hi guys,
So I had this awesome plan to stay in Prague for the summer holiday.. I'd go to cafés, gym, inline skating (or what's it called), get a part-time job and all kinds of shit.
But there was one thing I wanted to do the most. I thing that made me not to go anywhere on holiday... like sea and stuff. What was it? I had planned that I would study Japanese.. I know you're like "Why didn't you study during the school year, stupid?" Well. I did. I took 2 semesters of japanese during this school year but the courses they offer for holiday teaches the amount of knowledge from two semesters in just two months. I'd g,o there 2-3 times a week for 2-3 hours a day. So if it's that good why don't I just do it, you ask? Well, because they didn't open the courses of my level for the holiday, they only do the courses I already took.
So yeah, I can still do all the things I listed above but the main purpose of staying home got ruined.
I'm gonna end my messege here since I don't know what else to write
exams x deadlines
2012-06-04 17:01:22
Oh my balls.
In these two weeks I have like 9 final exams from all kinds of subjects... That would be fine. BUT! There are so many amv contest deadlines. Like Japan Expo or others! I mean how am I supposed to learn and study at the same time?! I'm usually too lazy to do even one of these things!!
Might not make some amv deadlines :(
:( and Yay!
2012-05-10 17:29:28
Tomorrow awaits me probably the biggest exam of my life that covers pretty much everything from literature that I've ever heard of / learn. It may be pretty bad and stressful...
BUT!! After this test I will have 2 weeks of school. I mean that's pretty awesome considering that excluding monday I had the previous week off as well.
I have to focus on getting a good grade tomorrow and what's next?!
That's right my people! Next is editting and finishing amvs.. Oh I can't wait for Friday to be over... or at least forenoon.
new vid
2012-05-04 06:09:53
So I started editting this new project yesterday and my old habbit took over.
Am I the only one who sometimes, especially with action amvs, edits backwards?
So far I have like 3 seconds somewhere between 0:00 and 0:20 on timeline and then I have 40 seconds of the end.
I hope I can finish this one soon since I'm overflowing with passion but still I'm not really quick editor :)
I have to study a lot these days so I see it done in like a week or two
studies x editting
2012-04-14 11:45:05
oh my god why?! :,(
I finally buy a new computer so that I can edit when suddenly "We're gonna write 2 exams from czech language (my native) and you Martin, on top of that, will be orally examined (Don't know the correct word, basically 3 exams :D but I have to speak durring one)"
Not to mention the fact that we're having a math, history, social studies and ekonomics.
I want to edit my 2/3 complete amv :,(
And then, I want to edit some moar.
I'm gonna study instead :D
Current server time: Dec 25, 2024 20:55:28