darkishpurple (alen )
:9 not hurray
2011-05-26 19:17:30
found out photobucket is a pice of ......
... dose enyone know eny other website to upload you amvs?
2011-05-05 19:25:36
i finally found a easyways of uploading a amv on this site.. =D photobucket uploading my videos on there and postign a link =D
oh its so eays now..
stuck at school.
2011-04-07 18:39:15
another day at school, another hour wasted ...
didnt bring my matireals for my major wood mork..
pfft i want to finsih my amv,,
its will take atleat another 12hrs to finish and im here stack at school.
and i wanted to finish by today aswell before i went to my mums without internet conection. oh well...
on another topic what is "My journal" can poeple read what i am typeing?
Where do you upload?
2011-04-07 00:09:19
why. is this website difficult.. i carnt place a youtube link for it to ask for a permisson ticket to upload it to this website. well that make me a unuploader..
making amv, (real)
2011-04-06 23:34:21
patients. time, no sleep in other words.
ocasionally cheacking the defects, ocd
collection, download from websites. (Anime A)
equiptment, download sonyvegas pro. and cd crack from (pspiso.)
get adobyafter effects. or another brand name editing tool. serch google..
the computer must be able to process. the mvk file or higher for highdef viedos
for the quility you want.
all the things i dont have time to do or the acesserys i need. but you'll do it becuase you have more patients, the more better qualitty the more subscribers you get.
subscribers = the more ego you have = the more fun you like doing it. =D
im going to try harder =D
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