JOURNAL: AkiraBlaid (Akira Blaid)

  • Promise 2004-04-04 16:27:10 OMFG.
    Most sentimental vids are only evident to the authors, and so with Promise i tried really hard to show what it meant to me to the viewer. evidently it worked.
    Cause Promise is in FUCKING 13TH PLACE! O_O 
  • w00† 2004-04-03 22:46:47 w00† 
  • KITTYKITTYKITTY!!! 2004-04-03 13:51:40 I GOT A KITTY! XD
    Named North, he's a shiny black cat, beutiful, fun and affectionate. ^_^ 
  • VidZ 2004-04-03 07:49:08 Ever since my Promise vid got it's 8th OP, and got in the public rankings, Its gottena a lot more recognition.
    As for no body listens to naruto, it got more recognition then my other vids in ONE NIGHT. >.<

    Plz, check out my vids

  • 2004-03-31 14:55:04 Would someone do me the favor of leaving an OP for NBL2N? -_- 
Current server time: Dec 26, 2024 17:36:41