~Moonlight Melody~ A Sailor Moon Music Tribute -2008 SE-
2008-11-17 10:20:39
Its finally online! ^_^
The indirect link is hosted by Ngsilver and should be fast
I'll have a local link too at some point.
@ Code
2008-11-17 01:08:06
I hope your WFAT segment is not among the list of projects you are dropping =(
2008-11-06 00:45:56
I'm back from my vacation
did anyone miss me? ^_^
It wasn't really a real vacation like going on a trip somewhere
I gotten a little stressed with ideals for project intros, managing projects, finding replacement editors and still trying to do a solo project.
All of the editing and stuff started to feel more like a chore to me than fun so I decided to take a lil break from some things.
Running three MEPS can bet tough especially when you was running a 4th secret one along with them
and a large solo project @_@
That's why i haven't been posting in the mep threads and other sections on the site last week.
I'm pretty much back into the groove now and will get back to anyone that has posted in my MEP threads tomorrow.
Sorry for having you wait so long ^^;
If any members are wondering, All MEPs (except the Christmas one) now have the deadlines bumped to
Dec 1st so you all still have time.
BTW if anyone wants to do something in my MEPs, we are still accepting new sign ups as long as you can
finish by the deadline.
Overclocked Sync & Style: Holiday MEP 3:
This MEP needs some more love.
As for WFAT, I'm probably not going to try to recruit anymore editors for it.
I've done way to much of it and don't think i can deal with anymore
I'll either find members currently in the project that want to do another track
or do the unthinkable and edit the remaining few myself @_@
If anyone reading this is interested though, feel free to PM me or post in the MEP's thread
There is a couple open and I got a feeling there is gonna be one more >.>
Anyone that is editing something in "Random Intentions" or "Falling in love again",might want to poke
Sailormoon cause I think she fell asleep again.
You better not have forgot about your own projects again ~_~
If i find out you have, im gonna go over to youtube and get fireemblem and we
are both gonna go back in time to when you decided to make those MEPs and pistol-whip you!
I got in contact with Limepie recently and she said she might still be able to do her video for the Christmas MEP
and even might be able to do her original planned intro for it.
That will be cool if she is able to do it.
Its been a while since I seen a new video from her.
I'm glad she is doing better now.
I really think that there is something epic going on right now that I should be a part of
It could just be my imagination though...
2008-10-26 10:59:11
lol jubjub was doing the hammer ^_^
I still haven't decided if i want to get some yet
Perhaps I should practice my dance so I don't break something ^^:
Now this guy shows how its done O.O
2008-10-25 16:27:57
Lately, I have been seriously thinking about buying a pair of parachute pants
Ive always wanted to do the hammer
Anyone else wants to get some parachute pants and join in? ^_^
Current server time: Jan 01, 2025 10:25:56