TobinHood (Jason Tobin)
2002-03-03 22:43:54
I actually have no reason to update this journal, I'm just so happy I'm back on! Oh wait, I do!
More drinking parties this weekend. This meant more drunken Tobin, which in turn meant more happy Tobin! Wasted many rolls of film again.
Something's up with Popndeth. Sucky day.
Me.... tired.... sleep.... now. No must watch scryed first, and Kanon. ARGH!
Random Variable Reviewed!!
2002-02-28 13:43:49
My Cowboy Bebop video has won a review thingy at Random Variable Productions and it is now up on their site. You can also see an interview with me there.
big 1000!
2002-02-28 07:25:28
Hooray! My Bebop vid has surpassed 1000 downloads! I thank you all.
2002-02-27 19:49:24
Just fixing a mistake on an entry a little while ago where I stated I was not one of the few watching the Olympic game. I meant to say I was not one of the few NOT watching the game. Thank you very much!
Makin a splash.... in the winter!
2002-02-27 12:21:27
Yesterday I went iceberg hopping, which never seems to get old no matter what age I become. However, one of the iceberg i was standing on decided to capsize on me and I got soaked. So that was when I decided to go home and not freeze my balls off.
I didn't get to work on my X vid for a little while so I will be getting right on that. I started watching Scryed recently, it's kinda got me hooked. Blame that series for taking away my valuable AMV time. Also the fact that I couldn't get on here since friday I haven't been able to do much along the lines of downloading and opinionating new videos. This is also how my day will be spent today..... oh boy!
Current server time: Jan 10, 2025 15:10:46