JOURNAL: TobinHood (Jason Tobin)

  • Deadly! 2002-04-13 22:40:06 I moved most of my stuff into my new house today ^^ Furniture and computer go next. I'm at Beef's house now typing this. I HAVE A SHOWER IN MY BEDROOM!!! IT'S SO SWEET! My new house rocked so much that me and Beef went on an adventure. We found a secret trap door which led to a strange basement area. In there we found many peculiar objects like the previous house owner's shoulder X-rays. Weird eh? Beef and I also counted all the electrical outlets downstairs. We counted 29 plug sockets but we may have missed a couple since there were boxes. This also doesn't include the upstairs. this guy must have like using power (or didn't believe in powerbars)

    Most of this update will be quoted from Beef's journal since I am too lazy to type about it and I see he already wrote a journal about it.
    *Quoted from Beef's journal*
    Tonight, tobin and I went for a drive because we were very bord, along the way we picked up one of our friends. After this we droped by another persons house, only to find that they were not home, we got the idea that it would be funny to just park the car infront of his driveway and sit on the car and wait for him to get home. Then we began to put a crazy story together, we were going to wait till we could see his car, get our friend in the trunk, then tell them this story: We were driving down the road and there was a police car chasing a black car and the black car threw a large black bag out the window which hit my car, so we got out and put it in our trunk ( we never thought of anything to say was in the bag). After we thought of this plan, we sat an waited for about 2 hours (yes we know we are losers) then finally he and another one of our friends pulled in, Tobin and I acted so well we should win a oscar, it went off flawless, once we told them the story, and they beleved it, I gave them the keys and told them to open the trunk to see what we found, the moment he poped the trunk our fried jumped out screaming, the other two were so scared, they jumped in the air and the look on their faces was unforgetable. They will have night mares tonight. They told us later that they thought that there was a bag of either Drugs, Money, or body parts. Tobin and I laughed for hours.
    *end Beef Journal Quote*

    Dammit Beef, don't you believe in periods! "." 
  • 2002-04-12 21:54:20 Moving tomorrow, may not be on for a bit. Won't be able to write reviews for a couple days. Made up for a couple today. Must go back to watching boxing's 101 Greatest Knockouts now! PEACE 
  • WooHoo! 2002-04-12 11:59:16 Physics test cancelled again! Nice. Now I don't have to worry about a test monday. Awesome. I love myself. I am so cool and so is my dog. Ramble... ramble.... ramble... blah... blah... blah... me = happy! 
  • poolfan 2002-04-12 06:05:19 We actually have a hair dresser's salon here called "Curl Up And Dye"

    I don't get my hair cut there. It sounds to scary. 
  • o=('.'o=) BOXING KIRBY!!!!! 2002-04-11 21:28:22 Ok you win, I need sleep. Goodnight. 
Current server time: Mar 06, 2025 21:59:14