Tookie46 (WhitneyLisa )
I like eggs
2004-04-16 19:31:22
Ok so my life is confusing right now. I have modified some of my videos. Or at least the ones I care about. I've gotten rid of the little annoying DivX logo in the corner and redid a couple of scenes that really bugged me.
The three videos that will be redownloaded:
"InuYasha Hoopla: Curse of the Profanity" , now known as "Curse of the Profanity"
"Sugar Injected Video"
"Dummies Guide to Defy You", now known as "Millionth Action Packed Video"
And just for the record I am not indiscisive. Those little details have been hanging in my head for a while, so I finally just gave in and squashed 'em!
And now for somthing different.......
My newest video, with the series Fruits Basket is halfway done. I'm making sure it is absolutly perfect, because as I found out the hard way; little mistakes drive me nuts.
Some small hints at what it is about:
Its an instrumental piece that, as far as I know, has never been used on
Its full of wacky, random moments
Its gonna kick ars
So, keep two eyesballs out for it.
2004-04-09 21:25:12
I am about 1/2 way through the new Fruits Basket video. Once finals are over in school, Ill beable to truely focus.
On another note, I am also going to remake the 4 InuYasha vids I did so the divX codec logo isnt on the the bottom. The Fruits Basket one Im not remaking because it sucks and not worth my time.
I have and will be putting up the Sugar Injected Video first.
2004-03-30 20:50:31
I dreamt last night that there was a Chinese man playing "The Star Spangled Banner" on his armpit. Damn Paxil side-affects.
Not getting much done on the next AMV.
The Reasons Why:
1. I'm one year away from majoring in English and paper writing, reading thick novels and bitching about final exams has taken up time.
2. My roommates keep moving out and being replaced by newer, and progressivly odder ones.
3. My old roommate took her cat with her, and now my cat is friendless. The result has been hyper, clingly, momma's boy who won't leave me alone and insists on sitting exactly where I am trying to look.
For Example: As I type he is blocking my view of what I write, so if there are spelling errors, not my fault, blame the cat.
4. I could go on, but by this point you have most likely stopped reading in search of something more intresting like clicking on a AMV banner.
Im upgrading OH Yeah
2004-03-26 11:24:52
Got Adobe Aftereffects and Premier!!! Now I feel the power
I'm a Fruit's Basket
2004-03-19 10:35:09
Well I have begun work on a Fruit's Basket video. It will be an instrumental video, but......It's GONNA ROCK! I found the perfect song-or so I think-for Fruit's Basket.
On a lighter note; I've got a new computer system, but I am still waiting for my new video making programs, Adobe Premire and Adobe After Effects.
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