JOURNAL: pen-pen2002 (Søren Berg)

  • Banners 2004-10-05 16:20:53 Well that's a new low. Out of 54 banners I voted 6 worthy and two of those I was unsure about. Only three of them really stuck out.

    And I was trying to be lenient!

    The next day I have time I'm going to make some banners, and I won't submit anything untill I have one that fits into the "lengendary" category as I think of it. Maybe I won't suceed, who knows. But I truly belive that banners were on a whole other plane of awesomeness back in the day, and I'd like to bring that back.

    Not that the "instant classic" banners don't exist anymore, just look at "any new AMV's?" they are just much more rare. Don't belive me? Browse through the old pages of winners, back to where they have a diferent logo, you'll see. 
  • Two VCRs... 2004-09-30 13:37:49 So just found out my college has a dedicated video editing room! It has a sony EVO 9800 (Hi 8 digital recoder) and, get this, Two VCRs! With the huge array of macs they have hooked up to film scanners and loaded with just about every major design or image editing program, and for me the have two VCRs!

    I have not yet lost hope, I have heard of a graphic design lab that might be a utopia for a poor editor like myself.

    The search continues! 
  • Active listening 2004-09-28 13:02:55 Do you ever not want to go to class because you're busy... Busy listening to a song?

    Check it out and you'll see what I mean. (BTW this is the same song I'm planing a multi-editor project with, see last journal entry.) 
  • New Multi Editor Project? 2004-09-27 21:50:44 So, I won a category at Pro. As much as I thought about it and worked for it I never really thought it was going to happen. My happiness is tampered a bit by the fact that I created the category I won in, I created it specifically for my video to win, and worded it in such a way that I would have no real competition. But anyways, that's not the point I'm trying to get at. The point is that the reason I pushed so hard to get in the contest was that I belived that it was my one shot, that I could never make a video as good as that one. (I have a much lower opinion of the video now, then I did back then.) But regardless of this or that, I did win, I did what I set out to do and now I'm left with a feeling of "What next?"

    Then out of the blue Flint_the_dwarf re-appears on the forums. I send him an IM and he points me to his live journal where, in the midst of his life story, there is a link to a song.

    You see where I'm going with this? (Hint: look at the subject.) The song is long but interesting and seems to change musical genres faster than you can think. It's called "When the Water Breaks" by Liquid Tension Experiment. If I get a good response from my freinds and fellow Animasia project members then I'll start a thread with the details.  
  • Insane Bargain 2004-06-13 12:43:31 Getting up early to go garage sale shopping: $0

    Box set of 3 Escaflone DVD's: $3

    The look on Soren's face when he realizes some people have no conception of the monetary value of their possessions: Priceless.
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