ck25 (Christopher Malone)
The worst way...
2003-09-30 20:21:37
I hate waking up when I'm's the worst possible feeling...when your throat is scratchy and dry and every cough hurts...when your forehead is burning up yet your fingers are cold as ice...when you feel delirious yet realize that the day will go on without you so you'd better get to class (or at least one class for the day)...those are definitely some mornings that I could do without...yet today was all of the above...and way more...
Aside from that, I decided to take a look at the weekly star scale...when I noticed a startling revelation...I noticed that there a lot of videos with the words "Bring me to life" or "In the end" in the title...what's up with that? It may be a good song (I mean Evenescence...not LP) but I wonder what inspires people to choose the titles they do...I'm not trying to pass judgement on anyone...I mean, there must surely be people out there who look at my videos and think "Empathetic" is corny...and despite the fact that my first two videos had the song name in the title (okay, so I was a noob two years ago...sue me! and just because 2 out of my 4 videos on the org are like that, keep in mind that there are at least 3 other videos that have been finished, but are not being placed on the org), I'm all past that now and I think titles are cool to come up with...Yet, I still see a lot of "Bring me to life" titles...maybe it's the medicine that's carrying on this rant (and yes, Tasha, I did take a Tylenol :D), but hopefully we all can break out of this mold and come up with more personalized titles...meh, whatever...
2003-09-26 21:40:17
21st....I took to the bottle pretty hard...amazingly hard...brutally hard....and I suppose I got off luckier than most because I wasn't entirely sick when I woke up this morning...I was a little out of it, but life pretty much went on...
Anyway, I'm glad that I sat down last week and forced myself to finish my video...I sort of feel accomplished that I've added another video to the org (though it's not just my fourth one, because there are a few more that I made during my downtime 15 months ago that'll probably never get put up), but yeah, I've got other ideas and projects to get started on...if only I could get this pesky thing called school to stop giving me so much work...I mean, I thought my senior year in college was supposed to be easy! Well, I suppose that anyone with 18 credits would have a formidable challenge...whatever...
Here's the link for the new video, just in case any new people decide to read this entry:
2003-09-24 20:17:14
The culmination of about two months of work is finally at a close. Now all that's left to do is sit back and wait for the kudos! Hmm...maybe not, but I am wonndering how people will perceive the video...that is if they watch it. I took a lot of chances with this one, and I'd like to know what worked and stuff...because I still have my own reservations about certain scenes. Although it's not perfect, by any chance, I still like what I've done, and I hope that other people will too...
It is dead...
2003-09-21 18:48:28
Best Buy absolutely refuses to fix my t.v. despite the fact that it was not my fault of the coaxial output falling I paid $70 in insurance for basically two broken remotes. Hopefully a phone call tomorrow from a repair guy should go better than today, though I wouldn't be surprised in the least...
Got another idea to put in the stacks of ideas that have to wait...meh...
Turned in track 139 for the Animix video...I was devastatingly nervous as to what people thought (though I guess it's dumb to dwell on such things)...I did get a reply back, though, I can't figure out if it was a complement (they used the word 'degrading effects' to describe my ending...but the said that they liked it O_o)...I'll take it as a good thing for now...
Finally, and I hate to say it, but I don't think that I can win the bet...I've just had two more assignments added to my list of school junk that I really need to get to work on immediately...though making it to number 4 is definitely nothing to scoff at...I just don't think I'll be pushing my opinion writing into heavy overdrive anymore...
Let the downloads begin!
2003-09-19 18:44:01
Fridays are really something to behold, especailly when they actually go right for a change...well almost. Most imporatantly though, the net has been fixed...four out of five people in our house now have a fast, stable connection (I don't even know how to begin fixing the last guy's computer, esepcially when he keeps getting errors) matter, though, since I'm sure a net tech guy can help him out when he gets back from Indiana if I can finally get my TV fixed on Sunday, I might actaully have a better mood by Thursday (let's hope)...
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