JOURNAL: ck25 (Christopher Malone)

  • Damn... 2004-12-27 16:15:04 I should really start checking the forum more often. There was a project using REM songs!!!! I love REM!!!!!! GAH!!!!! How tragic... 
  • Yup... 2004-12-20 03:56:15 Damn...I'm done with school...forever...unless I go to grad school or something. Anyway, now that I have a lot more free time on my hands, I have to say that I'm looking forward to whatever my next project is... 
  • Don't forget... 2004-12-14 17:29:43 Know what I don't understand? How every thread but mine in the AMV announcements thread goes virtually unnoticed and garners absolutely no response. I find it kind of funny and almost perplexing at the same time. I'd hate to think that it's because I'm not exactly 'Mr. Active' in the forum but I guess that's one way to answer the question. Anyway, the video is out...could be doing better in the star scale and for overall hits but it's alright...I've got finals coming up and I'd sure hate to get pulled out of graduating because I failed a class O_o 
  • Personal Velocity 2004-12-13 13:11:28

    Well 'who'd a thunk it?'!I actually finished something. Feels damn good, too! Enjoy! 
  • Damn, I'm hungry... 2004-11-28 02:09:23 It'a amazing how much I put amv's off considering that amount of work I had ahead of me so that I could get this current project done. I didn't realize that I was pracitcally at the home stretch...Now I just have to fix up the second chorus section and take care of about 20 seconds near the end...other than that I'm ready to just kick back and put it up regardless... 
Current server time: Dec 27, 2024 00:21:27