ck25 (Christopher Malone)
In between things...
2004-02-02 01:06:50
So yeah, I'm still working on my main Outkast project, but it's proving to be just a bit harder than I thought (isn't that how it always is with AMV's, though?) I decided to pick up a small project in the meantime...Why, you ask? Honestly, I don't know...probably so I didn't bore myself or get burned out with what I was already working on...anyway, it's a small project (the new one), a trailer, in fact...I've always wanted to try doing a trailer AMV and I figured now is as good a time as today I started going through every movie I have (skipping the Matrix and LoTR) looking for trailers that would make good projects...I've narrowed nearly 80 movies into a mere 10 possible ideas...then I realized that I should probably go with something simple, since I don't want to try for anything extreme and burn myself out some I went with the Kill Bill Teaser Trailer...yeah, I know, it's been done (like 3 other times, I think), but the way I see it, as long as it's to a different anime (and it is), then I don't think I'm really breaking into anyone's territory or anything, at least, that's how I convinced myself to go into yeah...I just started a couple hours ago and I'm almost halfway done...hopefully I can have it on the org later this week...
In other news...the VCA's came and went (well, sorta)...I'm glad Saratheboring got nominated for most improved creator as I really enjoy her work (though no nominations for her Utena - R.E.M. vid -_-)...anyway, the final nominations pretty much went the way I thought they would...not that there's anything wrong with that...though I think it would be cool to see if us regular members got any nominations since only the top 5 are displayed...I'd be interested to see if anyone put me or tasha down...but, I guess that's just something we won't biggie...
2004-01-16 20:21:23
Watching the first 40 seconds of tasha's vid made me realize exactly how shitty mine seemed...she's definitely gunning for the 'hiliarious' title and that's exactly what she'll get...anyway I won't stop working, but I'm not going to go into overdrive or anything...I've come to the conclusion that I really didn't have to feel compelled to put out a new vid every 2 months so I think I'll just move along at a steady but brisk pace and hope that by May I can at least have finished two projects...
2003-12-01 14:28:23
It only took one track from DDR fourth mix to put me in my place (It was Absolute Destiny's track...)...I mean, I've seen great videos before, but this was something enirely like a poser...I'm interested in Poser...but it's fun though!
Plan of attack...
2003-11-29 15:59:58
Alright then...There's been no time to do anything other than school...18 credits isn't really as easy going as I though it should have been...Anyway, the deal is this...In these last three weeks I'll finish (well, start as well) this animix track that I picked up (this time I'm suing the Read or Die OVA's so I'm hoping that it will turn out alright)...after that when I get back to Chicago I can get started on my Outkast project...that'll definitely take up weeks of time, if not months, but I think I have a pretty good idea for how I want it to turn out...
2003-10-27 00:49:23
Haven't written here in a while...not much to say I guess (well kinda)'s been taking up all of my time, but I guess that's what happens when you take the maximum amount of credits allowed...Regardless, editing and reviewing have been the laaaaaast thing on my mind (in which I apologize to the two people who requested an opinion)...I swear the weeks just sail right by...and before you know's Thanksgiving...Anyway, it seems that the more songs I hear, the more projects I want to try and have a go at...and then I find out that I have a test coming up and it seems that it all just gets put on hold...hopefully by Christmas vacation, I'll have all the footage I need for my next project...that is, I'm comstantly listening to whatever's on my mp3 player, and one song really stands should be a nice change of pace from the last Fruits Basket video, which by the way, only has about 183 hits to it...not that I'm complaining or anything...I just couldn't find a reason in why this video has been rather low in hits while the one before it, blew up rather fast (well, fast to me anyway)...I guess everyone else feels the hurt from college, or high school (or grade school, for that matter)...whatever the case, I'm still grateful....
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