ck25 (Christopher Malone)
Kill Bill...
2003-10-12 00:43:41
It rocked!!!!! Storytelling and cinematography just doesn't get as good as this! The anime took me completely by surprise and really gave me an incentive to see it again (I wonder if anyone would be tempted to make an amv to that?)...I just had to make an entry entirely for this's that good!
2003-10-11 11:17:07
I just found out that the fifth season of Buffy comes out December 6 with the sixth season coming out in the first week of July 2004!!! Alright, so it may seem a bit geeky, but I just cannot get enough of that fact I was hoping that I could make an AMV from a song off of their "Once More With Feeling" episode, but that might have to wait until I can get more DVD footage...until then my new Excel Saga project is sort of coming along "shrugs"'s just that I never have any time since I literally have a midterm or a paper every week in October...oh well...hopefully things will pick up in November...
2003-10-07 00:34:24
It's been a little over a month since the bet started, and although it ended on Oct 2, I'm perfectly fine with the words I've written up to this point, but I definitely burned myself out on writing opinions. I don't think I'll be belting out 5000 word reviews anytime soon, but I definitely don't want to stop writing. It's probably since October is the month of midterms and such but I'll probably wait awhile before I get back into it (though I have two more requests to fill before I stop)...
Other than that, I finally got all the Excel Saga stuff ready on my comp and I actually started editing already. Nothing too fancy, but I'm still throwing stuff together to get a feel of what I want to do...
Tomorrow the realtors are showcasing the house tomorrow...I didn't realize that campus housing gave leases to sign so early in the year. I mean, I still don't know if I'll be able graduate in May or if I have to wait another semester to take another required course. Hopefully I can finish in May and be on my way to...wait a minute...I'll get back to you on the rest of life when I've decided on what I'll after college...
2003-10-06 00:53:48
It's about time that this head cold went away...I still haven't caught up in terms of reading...well except for finishing 'Go Ask Alice' but that was for my own enjoyment (that is if you can even call that book 'enjoyable'...if you read it, then you know what I mean).
Anyway, I had to delete all my Fruits Basket material off the hard drive...well not 'had' to in a sense, but wanted to, that is, I was making room for Excel Saga stuff. I know it's one of the more overdone amv's here, but it's not like my idea is horribly overdone (okay, maybe it is...but at least the song hasn't been done...that's good...right?!). Bah, whatever, I had hoped to do an amv that was just all music and no story at all, and this song at least lets me do that and will hopefully help me in terms of drawing tighter parallels between scene cuts and background music...anyway, it should start anyday now...
I was hoping my 'Empathetic' video would prosper, but dl's for it seems to have died down substantially...that is, in comparison to the response I had with "Disturbing Behavior" this new video of mine seems to be moving rather slowly in terms of people actually downloading it rather than just me getting another number higher in the 'hit' counter. Ah well, can't win 'em all. Though, I watched it again today, and I can't seem to get enough of it...I guess as long as I enjoyed it myself, there's not a whole lot more to ask for..
And on to the next...
2003-10-01 16:47:58
I'm absolutely delirious...I woke up today, intent on going to class when I looked at my clock which read 12:30 (my first class being at 11)...-_-...of course I soon realized that my clock decided to grow a will of its own and reset itself back to 12:00am...bah! Other than that, I stumbled across the quad to 2 of my 4 classes today...I was hoping that I would come home and put in some quality time into a new project but those provisions look doubtful as ever...let's just hope that tomorrow brings better news...
Current server time: Jan 06, 2025 17:43:27