JOURNAL: MorbidMetallicaAngel (John Overbay)

  • New Video 2009-08-28 06:34:08 Just finished my newest video yesterday will hopefully have it up soon ,
    it's actually the first one ive made in 4yrs.
    but it should be interesting and people enjoy it and can't wait to see what people think just waiting on my friend to finish my new logo he's putting together for me.
    That's it for now i guess. 
  • 2005-12-09 21:10:28 I've been trying to come up with new ideas for videos and really would like to get a new video up on the site but i've been very busy with final fantasy online and work but hopefully i will be able to create a new video. But i'm gonna keep up with my Final Fantasy Online stuff 1st and when im done with certain things i will try to make another video again,One that i'm sure i'll be proud of till then keep on making great amv's see you all soon 
  • New Video Finally Finished 2005-03-18 08:00:11 I' Finally finished my video it was a pain but i got it done.
    Some of the clips were a lil fuzzy when i finished but i'm still happy with the results
    and it might take me awhile to make a new video but when i get an idea of what i wanna do i'll get started on a video but until then i'm gonna cocentrate on my work and other activities such as working on my guitar playing and video gaming skills. So i hope u enjoy my videos that i have made.Until i start on a new one good luck to everyone on their video making and hope everyone finds new ways to express their ideas and emotions through their amv's 
  • Work In Progress 2004-10-13 21:38:51 Right now i'm currently working on my next video and can't wait to show it to everyone,but that might be awhile because i have to try and
    juggle my job and my anime life and it's been a pain because i'm almost done wit my vid but can't quite put all the pieces together
    but i promise my vid will get finished and can't wait to hear what people think of it. so long for now from a very faithful amver. 
  • My Monster 2003-09-02 10:13:55 WithMy home built computer which i have dubbed Frankien Pc i have been able to create my videos and not useless computers like that poor excuse for a computer the dell or that ridiculous jelly computer with it's annoying round mouse the mac the reason i think computers are falling in price such as dell because no one gives a damn about buying them and they are losing business.
    I'd pick my computer over any othe pc because my blood,sweat and tears literally went into my computer and that's is that.  
Current server time: Jan 08, 2025 10:14:43