JOURNAL: Lord Rae (Jimmy )

  • Hmm... ... well shit... 2002-01-16 02:13:12 I spent my time today after classes were over Watching a few movies and Doing some CG artwork.. well not really artwork.. its more of a building experience than anything finished.. I finally got a good 3d eye model built and I can now change the color and work around some other problems I've had previously..
    here it is if your curious.

    I especially like my textured background that I hand painted... hmmm maybe someday I'll buy myself a drawing tablet and use this program the way its meant to be manipulated instead of trying to achieve all the artistic nuances with a mouse that gets dirty ever 30 seconds...


    Matt (MCWagner) was incredibly kind enough to lend me the dvd of "Children shouldn't play with dead things"... and my god... his review was so dead on... I can't say that I've enjoyed anything THAT bad in quite a while.. probably since I first saw Evil dead. not that its great cinema..... just so you dont get confused...

    hehe.. if you want a much more detailed and better written review of the movie you can find it on Matts journal here at my favorite line from Matts review that bounced through my head while watching the movie was "in an attempt to raise the dead by wearing the LOUDEST CLOTHING EVER MADE BY MAN."

    hehe.. ahhh.. thats just classic.. that line followed closely by Matts own teaser for the review
    "Next time, an educational lession on why children shouldn't play with dead things. (For one thing, they'll steal your boat!)"

    whew.. damn good stuff.. although I was wondering why no one seemed concerned about the girl who said she lost her virginity as a Brownie to an Eagle Scout... umm... maybe I'm just completely lost on ages but I was pretty sure that Brownies stopped being brownies at or around 8 yrs old which is INCREDIBLY fucked up if I'm thinking right... but uh.. yeah.. its not like its an essential plot point... and maybe I'm just taking something said in a very bad horror movie way to literally or something but I felt that needed mentioning..

    thats about it.. I am tuning up the 3d head model of the old man. Adding wrinkles and age spots if possible.. then working on a decent flesh tone..... I might keep the eyes the same color but each change involves painting more subtle color swatches inside the sphere so I may not..

    When I get a finished picture for that I'll make a new journal entry...

    ah.. but Thanks for the dvd Matt... I'll make sure to bring it back to you next week...

    maybe I can convince a friend to suffer that movie with me and see what he thinks...
    or not.. ;)  
  • wootage.... 2002-01-09 18:03:18 I just spent around an hour modeling a new 3d head for me to use in a as of yet undetermined cg image...

    heres a preview of the head I whipped together...

    heres hoping I dont get impatient and screw him up....
    hmmmm what kind of image could I do with an old man? damn....  
  • Not like all the people Say.... Its usually much more unusual.... 2002-01-08 22:59:50 I've been working with the new version of Zbrush to crank out something to make me seem more productive. so here we go.. a wallpaper if your so inclined.. It could have come out much better... but its still interesting...

    I really was inspired by the incredible art of Greg Martin. All his stuff is Space and star scapes... really impressive and if you have more than a minute or two you should check it out. Now THATS what a good wallpaper is supposed to look like.

    For Christmas my girlfriend bought me two incredible awesome things...

    The Dragon kite is really damn cool. A much better present than I've recieved in a long time. The Minature Zen Garden is really cool.... I've been spending waaay to much time working the sand and rocks into cool patterns... Its very relaxing...
    thanks babe! Isn't she awesome? :)

    Oh I also took a digital image a few days ago of my dvds in their very pretty storage shelves... plus my new Katana.. :)>

    yeah... I love that sword.. its so cool..

    not much else is going on around here.. working on fine tuning my Key video. I should be entering it into the Katsucon amv contest If I get it done in time.
    anyays. not much else..

  • heya matt... 2002-01-05 15:36:41 The only technical glitch in special effects I picked up on during Lord of the Rings was when Frodo was recovering in the elven city...

    when he walks out to look out on the city (on the balcony) he tosses his arm up on the railing.... now maybe its just me but a 3 ft Frodo wouldn't have the railing at that height on his body.. especially since its a city built for elves.

    but other than that little glitch I didn't notice anything else...

    the funny thing is if you really wanted to get technically picky with it..... you could always swing by

    that place has people who get so picky about things its almost annoying... it is interesting because alot of times you read about things you never even saw or thought about....  
  • Fluxmeister 2001-12-27 15:24:52 I have a huge list of opinions to write... alot of good videos... several by you (hint: your quickly becoming one of my favorite amv artists) but hey that sounds a bit odd to actually type..

    hmmm.. hopefully I'll stop playing XBox long enough today to get those long overdue opinions written...  
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