Lord Rae (Jimmy )
2001-12-25 17:00:56
I got an Xbox for Christmas... games? I got Dead or Alive 3 and Halo
Halo is jaw dropping.. fun stuff all around...
::::goes back to playing:::::
three journal entries in one day? eh I'm not crazy just fairly bored......
2001-12-23 23:50:13
heh.. I was working on some digital art today... but I couldn't get anything I liked so I went looking for some good examples of what this program is capable of doing...
I didn't spend almost 300 bucks on the software so i could suck at it... ;)
hmmm I love this guys style.. he works closely with the guys who make the software so I know hes got a few legs up on me.... here are a few examples....
the next guy is Pixelator (aka Alfer Alon) or the guy who created the software.. hes got some crazy good stuff so check it out.. some is beautiful.. some is terrifying... check it out
or how about the entire gallery.. click on the thumbnails to see this guys true mastery....
damn good stuff.. I'm inspired again...
2001-12-23 20:05:48
ok... according to the date on my first video I have actually been creating videos since November of 99... so hey... just clearing that up from the last entry...
hell its nice that I know now too.. ;)
current musical selection? VNV Nation - The Chosen
2001-12-23 15:48:08
According to a old date on my old site I'm one day out from doing music videos for 2 years.... seems longer than that but I honestly don't remember exactly when I started working on videos..... so I'll just say its been 1 day short of 2 years now... which is plenty wierd....
my key video is 94% complete... all scenes placed.... about a fourth of it has been proofed for timing and clip selection. The few criticisms I got from the Quu and TJ are helping me select these things and forcing me to work harder at things.... what were the criticisms of the video? well in its preview form they said that some of my clips chosen seemed like filler and not important to the video itself... the other crit was that I had a few jagged cuts where I was cutting off the action and not letting people complete the motions they began in the clips...
those are turning out to be very true as I go through all this....
maybe with enough help I can turn out a decent technically competent video....
bah! I can't spell today....
2001-12-21 14:47:34
done with work till sometime next week.... probably like a solid week of no work.. Its a good feeling.
EK... my mom loves the Christmas wallpaper you posted (its currently occupying the desktop space here) even though she has no idea who the guy sitting by the christmas cactus is... hehehe.. ahh well.. funny... I had a good laugh trying to lay down who Spike was.... ;)
Has anyone seen the gameshow Beat the Geeks on Comedy central? damn funny... although when they ask the hard questions and they seem easy to me I wonder about my status.....heh.. basically its somewhat a challenge an expert gameshow... they have 4 geek gods as they call them and the geeks have to answer alot harder questions about the topics than the contestants.... The four gods are Music, Tv, Movies and Star Wars.... I could take the star wars geek...which is terrifying since I'm not that big a fan... or at least I thought I wasn't... o_O
the commercial for the show has the TV Geek saying something along the lines of "I know more about the cast of 8 is enough than you know about your own family"... hahah.. funny stuff...
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