JOURNAL: Lord Rae (Jimmy )

  • lot of thinking + little sleep + Nietzsche = Odd journal entry 2001-11-14 03:21:44 "Mankind so rarely produces a good book, one which with bold freedom sounds the battle-cry of truth,the song of philosophic heroism. And yet the most wretched accidents, sudden eclipses of men's minds, superstitous paroxyisms and antipathies, cramped or lazy writing fingers, down to book worms and rainfall, all determine whether or not a book will live on another century or turn into ashes and mold."

    -Friedrich Nietzsche

    seems to me it applies to more than just books.... but thats just me...

    back to writting...  
  • you know..... were animals.... 2001-11-13 19:40:40 I can't believe I forgot what day it was.... its the 13th... you know what that means!! I have a philosophy book report ("Philosophy in the tragic age of the greeks" by Friedrich Nietzsche) due tommorow and I haven't read it! fuck fuck fuck

    oh well.... at least I know what I'm doing for the rest of the night...

    Martial arts movies you should be watching instead of Iron Monkey.

    1) The Blade (if you find it on dvd email me where you did.. I only have vhs)
    2) The Bride with White Hair (Just a cool sword and sorcery flick)
    3) The Duel (think Live action dbz style fights)
    4) Tai Chi Master with Jet Li (good stuff)
    5) Duel To the death (more swords)

    guess i'm hung up on swords.... guess thats why I collect them. anyways I'm off to write my paper after I get a few choice quotes and the gist of the book fleshed out into an outline. heh..

  • Whats in a look? 2001-11-13 12:35:59 I made two killer bowls in ceramics yesterday. I have a real knack for it I think.... I had an inclination that I was good with my hands from taking sculpture but I always invisioned doing stuff on a pottery wheel to be a lot harder. It seems almost second nature to me at some level. Like I know what the clay is gonna do before I touch it....

    yeah that sounds wierd but it feels even wierder. I really am considering changing my major over to Sculpture from Graphic Design. But the idea that I'm going from a semi bankable major to a less monetary one keeps sticking with me. Ah fuck it. No college graduate that I know actually uses his/her major in their current employment. My dad graduated with a psychology degree but he works in retail. My mom graduated with an english degree but she is a researcher who finds people for their high school reunions. My brother graduated with a degree in latin. He owns his own Pool Managment Company and a Nightclub out in Austin. etc etc etc.

    on to other things...

    Unless my anthrax flairs up again these antibiotics have done the trick... I really feel good now. Finally... being just barely sick like that for so long really blows.
    I gotta get around to picking up the new Rob Zombie cd. I've been a fan since I heard Thunder Kiss 65..... all the bad dbz videos to dragula in the world can't shake my confidence in Robs talent.....insomuchasitis....

    And believe it or not I AM looking forward to the new Kid rock cd. yeah yeah I know... hes very commercial... very mtv but not for me. I saw him in concert once..... before MTV or radio had ever heard of him. The concert consisted of me and 20 people or so in the room.... yeah... small club show and it was great.. he put on a hell of a show despite half the room only being there to drink and not caring what was playing...

    anyways... so yeah... I hope he can pull off something or I might lose confidence in him.... he doesn't have Rob's track record musically despite Rocks dominance in record sales....

    thats it.... time for some lunch and then its back to class....  
  • Insomnia and living in peace..... 2001-11-11 17:58:28 I think I have a fucked up video idea that would beat out EK's "8.6.82" idea in the "my god thats wierd" catagory....

    well maybe.. its hard to beat "8.6.82"..... ;)

    Ok... picture this...

    Violent Femmes song "American Music" set to footage of Legend of Black Heaven.

    hehe.. ahh but I don't think that I could make the slow acoustic guitar of Gordon Gano sync up with the heavy metal playing of Oji Tanaka...

    ahh but just listening to the lyrics it would be god damn funny...  
  • What will the end look like when you get there, and what will you look like to the end? 2001-11-10 03:38:41 I'm really pulling along on my Key video... I've now given some more un-nerving footage to it and all the feedback I get from my girlfriend now is a cute look of being afraid and she says its creepy.


    hehe.. ahhh well...

    Currently at 2:01 out of 3:30.

    around 2:30 in teh song the song comes crashing to a halt with babies crying... its gonna be great for the footage of Key as a baby. so when I get to that part of the song I should be able to knock out like 15 seconds of footage in a real short time. then it gets hard going again... I'm running low on source for the semi lyrics part.... ;)

    anyway I'm working on a new cg head.... gonna try to make it fairly detailed and its already well thought out. I'll post the head if I get done soon. maybe I'll even spring for a body or an enviroment for it...

    anyways.. thanks to hardcore antibiotics I am back on track and feeling healthy again.. yeah they work quick.. ;) 
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