JOURNAL: Lord Rae (Jimmy )

  • Finally.. productivity. 2001-11-01 18:41:15

    got some new cg done for the first time in a long time. Its not really close to the quality of EK's stuff but its not really the same thing so it becomes hard to compare.... plus mine isn't about bebop.. or anything really.. its just some random guy who popped into my head.... looked like a reject from Invader Zim so bam... there goes the name..
    I wish I could do something cute like Ek, but I really can't.... even my cute attemps end up looking scary.. If I try to add blush? it looks like blood. yeah I've tried alot of cute stuff but it never works.. so I just stick with the semi threatening looking stuff...

    total time to make? around 45 minutes... not too bad... I wish I was less impatient when working with art like this... although I barely consider that image art...

    Pakistani Nuclear scientists have been helping out Osama Bin Laden's folks with the really hard stuff about nuclear bombs.... wonderfull...

  • Pumpkin fucker..... 2001-11-01 01:31:19 yeah technically its no longer halloween but anyways. ;)

    I just spent the last 6 and a half hours recapping footage that was lost due to an odd glitch... soo bizarre...

    but it got me thinking.... everytime I get to the part in Key The metal Idol where you hear the full fledged "lullaby" even though its sung by Miho it just sends chills down my spine. Not cause its scary its just damn beautiful. Something about the combination of music,lyrics and vocal style just strikes some nerve in my body that makes me want to track down that damn soundtrack no matter what... I have the Original score for KTMI... but I NEED THAT DAMN OST!!!

    oh, me and my girlfriend are going to go see Monsters INC on Friday.. yay! hehe.. its our first real date although we've been "seeing" each other for a couple weeks now. And I also heard a rumor that the SW: Episode 2 trailer is gonna start running on Monsters Inc when it opens.. coolness....

    on Saturday I'm gonna try to go see "the one" w/Jett Lee with one of my best friends... can't wait for that either.. so basically its all about the weekend!
    but yeah the main point of this was that my video creation process is back online even after that major glitch.... so lets see what all I can get done! yay.. hehe. I feel like I need to make some progress on this video or I'll lose interest... so we shall see.. I'll update as neccessary of course. ;) 
  • awwww shit... 2001-10-31 07:15:55 ok... how freakin annoying is this?

    I was sick like a week or two ago.. got a 7 day supply of antibiotics.... every day I was taking them I'm fine.. feel nothing...

    now two days after I finished taking them.... I wake up sick again...


    the best part of all this... I got all the symptoms of anthrax! yay!

    "sore throat, mild fever, muscle aches, and malaise"

    wonderfull.. guess that means I have the flu huh?

    but why didn't it go away after 7 days worth of antibiotics and lethal amounts of orange juice?


    nothing more annoying than feeling just sick enough to still be able to function..  
  • The devil was an angel too.... 2001-10-30 18:33:32 I finished that awful research paper for criminal justice and now my hands do not wish to type correctly... so excuse a typo or two that I wouldn't normally make. I'm also runnin on 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours so hey! all kinds of fun.

    Now that the paper is finished and out of the way the only other school related projects that will destract me from editing are my various art projects and a few random philosophy papers off in teh distance of time. Good thing I can balance out the load of school art with stuff at home.

    Just for the record I love Zbrush ( I'm really glad I sprang for the full version like a year ago... its sooo worth it. Although seeing what the pro's can pull off on the official website always gives me CG envy. Hell I would love to see EK get a hold of this program. Its so much like every other graphics program except its realtime 3d imaging. It even runs good on my computer (400mhz PII).

    I couldn't find the new Dope and Rob Zombie Cds that were supposed to come out today.. hmmm pushed back? Also I couldn't find the band "Flaw"'s cd but thats no real suprise.... they rock though... Bah.. just checked... and the Rob Zombie cd was pushed back to November 13th. The dope cd pushed back to next week (the 6th). Flaw's cd was in fact released, but its just damn hard to find. ;)

    Hmm so since I'm just wasting time not really even talking about anything I guess I'll get some editing done on this. woohooo..

    fun stuff...
  • doh!!! 2001-10-24 01:14:25 always be careful when abbreviating website addresses.. I mistakenly sent some nice people lookin for halloween mp3's to a porn site... dammit..

    I put But that is SO SO WRONG! I am really sorry for that one... the correct address is


    good stuff there...

    its similar to sending people to and they email me back saying "umm.. I don't speak german".. hehe..

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