Lord Rae (Jimmy )
2001-10-17 16:37:40
set some kind of record in my house today...
Last night I fell asleep watching the Braves game around 6pm.... woke up this morning for school around 10 am... so I got in like 16 hours of quality sleep.... cept I had the fan on and it got down to 40 degree's last night.... so yeah.. I'm feelin a bit sick today..
whats this all mean?
dunno... too tired and sick to work on my video right now.. damn... and the Middle Tennessee anime conventions deadline has been extended... so maybe If i got off my ass I could pull this video off... but I doubt in time for the deadline... especially the way I feel now..
DAMN good bands your missing
Guano Apes
Bionic Jive
god I enjoy the anime club stuff...
2001-10-16 16:32:02
at the meetings of the anime group around here its some really well known company... always have good times watching anime.... just well.. I haven't been going very long but I really look forward to it now... which is cool since my usual anime watching is done in my basement....
anyway.. the point of this? hehe when we were watching amv's on the big screen everyone was tossing in favorites or just somethign they haven't seen in a while... well I went to the computer next to the big screen and wasn't seeing anything that I wanted to see (everything really good was already up there).... so I did select 3 vids to watch... a really really good video set to Trigun and the band One Side Zero's song "Sleep through this"... that video is soooo powerful... also put both my new Cowboy bebop video and my RK OAV video Touched.....
hehe they looked so bad next to the other greats that were showing up.... but then again I was so stoked.... got Jingoro and a few other people to laugh at my Cowboy bebop video... which IS the desired effect.. hehe..
just happy that it doesn't completely suck..
on that note we also might get Otaku Vengeance back up sometime soon.... not in full power but with maybe 3 videos to download (one from each of us) or somethign along those lines.... thanks mostly to the incredibly kind fans we have... never imagined we would get enough donations to really start it back up again so I wanna make sure everyone gets thanked.... they will in the form of 2 cds to each person donating more than 10 bucks... one cd has Eric's videos (old videos too.. some really great videos in his past... unlike mine... ) also the cd has the Otaku Vengeance special, and Viggigolo's works... my cd has a bunch of my videos.. old and new.. so I will be mailing out a bunch of these in the near future.. me and Eric just have to work out who's sending which ones to whom... and all that..
I'll definetly update my journal should OV come back online cause well.. when your sites down for almost 5 months people tend to think its never coming back....
2001-10-16 02:28:55
ok... I just realized I really don't want that idea... and since Hsien isn't doing it SOMEONE HAS TO!!!
or not..
damn I'm indecisive... well maybe this will help me decide to just forget the idea...
Trigun set to Metallica's Unforgiven.
SEEEEEEEEE! I really can't do it... but if you listen to the song and you've seen all of Trigun its damn near perfect...
so if anyone reads this and says... "damn that would work"... if you think you can pull it off or if it completely bowls you over get to it!
I'm not doing it.. see... I've laid it out there for the world to see... and I'm definetly not going to do it
as the pixes once sang... "where is my mind"...
or better yet .... "Permanence is an illusion... Change is forever"
not an exact quote but definetly the gist of the philosophy of my favorite... Heraclitus...
pick yourself up a book of the collections of the fragments he wrote... if you can find one that includes the original Greek it would be alot better...but if not settle for anything you can find.. its profound stuff. Its too bad when only fragments of one of the best Philosophers remain...
ideas = pain in head!!!
2001-10-15 16:16:08
My mind will not let me forget this idea.. I refuse to do it... I really do.. I do not want to make this video... so I won't.. but it hurts anytime I hear this song....
its a trigun video...
wonder what kind of radio station Hsien was listening to his trigun idea came... maybe its the same one that hit me.... if he makes it I WONT HAVE TO! yes.. hehe.. maybe .. lets just hope.. pain!!!
If only that band hadn't become such assholes... targerting a certain online file sharing program... damn.. really gave that away..
but I wont say the song.. cause even though I hate it.. and I won't do it.. It feels wrong to tell the idea in case I ever decide that it must be done..
BAH!!! I'm so screwed up in my head..
the song is absolutely perfect for Trigun though...
Incredible Concert ...
2001-10-15 01:25:23
so much good music... it was damn near illegal
the lineup was Nonpoint, Darwins waiting room, Revielle, and Sw1tch.
First band was Sw1tch.... missed all but the last few seconds of their set.... was a hell of a line waiting to get in and for some reason they started them playing at the same time as they opened the doors.... communistic monkies!
but they sounded cool... and I know their studio stuff is badass.. can't wait for the cd (comes out Feb 2002)
Darwins Waiting Room.... insane live show. I'm on their street team so thanks to my work promoting them I got into this whole show free... I got to thank one of the lead singers when he was checking out his friends Nonpoint later in the show.... hes a very cool guy and always encourages people to come up and say hey... same goes for all these other bands.. not many places where you catch all the bands mingling with the crowd and hanging out by the buses after the show (and announcing that fact before hand)...
SOOOOO good live its really hard to classify...
Revielle... hehe.. I've been a fan of these guys since their first cd came out in 1998/99 and guess what... I've been pronouncing their name wrong... FUCK! hehe... good thing that no one really knows them so when I do tell people about them (pretty rare but they are great so it occasionally happens) they can't/couldn't correct me...
Regardless the band put on a great live show... showed off all their talents and range.... and the lead singer even jumped off a 15ft high speaker stack thing.... a flip no less... yeah.. great live show.. (remember... Rev a` lee..... not Re vile)
Nonpoint... I've said this before... but I really feel its neccessary.. Nonpoint gets better live every time i've ever seen them. With this show its now 7 times live.. which is crazy... but yeah... they rock insane.. plus the cool thing about this show is that since DWR was on the bill they were able to pull of the last track on the album which includes Grimm (guy I talked to of dwr)... so basically the song "the tribute" which I've never seen them do live was just insane.. members from all 4 bands where out there... the lead singers of Reveille and DWR all did some crowd surfing... while the drummers from Nonpoint and Sw1tch took turns banging out the beats.... like 20 people on stage... all doing shit ... it was the best...
sooo worth seeing if any of you plan or want to get out to see the show before it concludes its tour run..
Remaining dates are!!
Tue 10/16/01 Jacksonville, FL Marquee Theatre
Wed 10/17/01 Fort Myers, FL Neptune's Of Boston
Thu 10/18/01 Gainesville, FL The Blowhole
Fri 10/19/01 Sunrise, FL Sunrise Musical Theatre
Sat 10/20/01 Tampa, FL The Masquerade
Sun 10/21/01 Orlando, FL Hard Rock Live
Nonpoint and DWR are both from Florida so its no big suprise that they are ending the tour in their home state...
All these bands are definetly on their way up and need support from the non mainstream fans.... enjoy them before they become mainstream and it turns into a cool thing for everyone to hate them....
also if your interested DWR and Reveille are heading back out on tour with another incredible band called "Primer 55". Their second cd called "the (new) release" owns me currently.. especially the song called "Lou Evil"... love that song.. check it out if you haven't...
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