Lord Rae (Jimmy )
2001-09-30 20:44:58
Just spent 5 hours doing wood carving... something is really soothing about working with your hands... then again so is doing amv's when you have a goal to work towards...
the difference between the two?
video editing typically doesn't end with you scrubbing your eyelashes with shampoo to get the toxic wood off...
I guess thats my fault for picking one of the more poisonous woods..
ok if you don't know.... almost all woods are poisonous..(sp?) nothing thats gonna make you keel over within a week of working with it but its not something you want hanging around you... the wood I chose however is pretty bad.. if you leave it on your skin for a few hours without washing it off you will most likely get a rash.. if you don't scrub your eyelashes after you work with it you'll walk around with blood red eyes for the next week. So why would I chose something like that? its freaking cool thats why!! its a wood from the rainforest (everything they don't slash and burn they slash and sell... hehe) and its fairly rare.. its really hard wood.. one of the hardest of the hard woods... but its natural color is purple.. dark purple.. it looks like you whipped out a can of spray paint and covered it... but thats its natural color... if you leave it exposed to sunlight it eventually turns a dark brown though. :( My sculpture is a wall hanging piece around a foot and a half in size (18") .... I could have gone bigger but I couldn't afford it....
so thats what I'm working on for my Advanced Sculpture project....
hmmmm so what else? good cds?
artist - album
Dredg - Leitmeoff
Soil - Scars
System of a Down - Toxicity
Primer 55 - (the)new release
Reveille - Bleed the sky
Nonpoint - Statement
Darwins Waiting Room - Orphan
Incubus - Morning View
Aphex Twin - Drukqs
those last two aren't in stores yet.. but I fully intend to buy them both when they are since I have both full versions and they are incredible... I just feel inspired to buy the cds when I have downloaded more than half of them.. especially when I like them ALOT! although I prefer incubus's older stuff.. Science was their best cd I believe... ;)
hehe...thats enough typing on my part... I'm sure their are a ton of spelling errors in there although I know I got those cd and band names right.. hehe. ;)
New Capture card isn't.....
2001-09-28 22:03:54
the new capture card that I won at AWA is a really old model.
which sucks because I am still really stoked that i won it (and how I won it.. read first journal entry about awa)..... but the fact is I don't think I can use it...
its a capture card in the same vein as the all in wonder series... but its not one of those.. its a different brand...
its a video card and a capture card all in one... its not the cap card thats giving me grief... its the video portion...
its a 4mb model... now I dunno about you but my computer is nearly 3 years old.... the video card that came with the computer has 16 megs of ram...
so the "new" card has 4mb... my "old" one has 16... not exactly what you wanna trade out for.. maybe if it was switched around I would trade from 4 to 16 in a heartbeat... but no way will I go from 16 to 4... thats not even half!
so yeah.. I'm stuck with dazzle.. untill i get more money...
Friends don't let friends buy Dazzle Digtial Video creator!!
argh!! crazy life! no fun....
2001-09-28 18:41:19
ok, lots... if anyone reads this this is what all I really want everyone to see but I get the feeling my opinion tends to count for very little.. ;)
Music: Fantomas.. incredible cd... Mike Patton (Faith No More, Mr Bungle) is a god now... no arguing with it.... i've had the cd for a few weeks and didn't realize it was from one of my favorite artists.... ghua! my next video is gonna be a song from this (which I described at awa7 and won my new capture card... which I am terrifyed to install at the moment since it replaces my video card... argh!)
ok I make no sense I know... ;) back to music suggestions.
Kenna - New Sacred cow
I don't know where to find this cd or find out when the release date is but if you like the light hearted stuff.... some soft electronic rock stuff... then check out a band/guy called "Kenna". the song "Hell Bent" is soothing and just wow... download it off morpheus or wherever you have to... the video on MTV2 is great as well... stop motion animation kicks ass.. {{buy the new Joy product}}} hehe.. if you see the video that might make sense.. if not then just ignore it.
hmm the video card I won at AWA doesn't appear on the companies website.... hmmm .... ok now I really don't know what to do... should I install or what? bah! my head makes things so confusing.... I wish my mind would slow down for a few minutes and let me think...
ever not be able to sleep at night because your thinking and rethinking EVERYTHING? that happens to me EVERY NIGHT!... GRRRRRRR
my Girlfriend (I think.. bah! why is life so confusing) ok... little explanation.. girl I like = My little sisters best friend ...which makes things horribly confusing... or just difficult... bah!
my website... down still.. now its been 4 months of no website! argh... people have donated 55 bucks to the OV server fund.. but that only gets us a few months... at most.. thats if the Unlimted bandwidth thing pans out.. I told the guys at tech support how much bandwidht we suck up and he said if we cut back a few vids and only have the most vital, recent, requested videos then we shouldn't kill them.. if we come close they kill us... not fun eh?
friends? I have no friends.. well I do.. I have alot of friends.. the ones I really care about and hang out with are very busy and far away recently... bah! not like I've had time for them with full time college and work... two studio art classes kickin my ass for time and anime that MUST be watched.. hehe.
well my minds been going about 100 times faster than my typing so if that made any sense... good... it wasn't easy... but that also means this was supposed to be much longer.. and it was in my head.. things like this are a bit catharthic though... really glad phade has this....
oh and another thing about AWA.. the people online.. LOOK NOTHING LIKE YOU PICTURE THEM IN REAL LIFE! Phade, EK, Hsien, Brad, Joe, Jason, Kwasek, Zabet, Grungetta, Akimbo, Onegai, Neogohan, Critical X, ect ect ect... all the creators who you think you might have gotten a little peak into their lives through thier work.... they look nothing like you picture them..
I don't think meeting anyone (well most of the people listed I either just said hi to or just saw them a bunch.. never really talked to) realy changed my opinion of them though.. which is good... or bad.... argh
my newest vid is uploaded to waldo's now.... about the only way I know of that you can get ahold of it... not that anyone besides me and the two guys who giggled during its showing at the AWA expo will find it funny or entertaining... 4 months on one 1:30 minute video.. I must be deranged...
ok I'm done for now.. maybe next time i'll make some sense and be writting for something other than just to toss all this off my mind...
AWA report... (I'm back!)
2001-09-24 01:09:47
while I attended AWA6 I wasn't really there.. just making an appearnce briefly.. this was my first real con attendance..
what a fuckin blast!!
(I'm tired so I apologize in advance for any mispellings and mispelled names, forgotten names, production studios ect...)
so here's what I did.. who I saw... and how I wasted a lot of money...
shit this is lookin like a typical journal despite my best intentions.
Friday: got there about 9:30am.. checked into my room and got my membership info for the con...
most of the rest of the day was spent in the Video Art Track which was a large theatre setup with surround sound for amv's. every hour was hosted by someone else... all incredibly accomplished creators.... so the panels I saw where: Elizabeth Kirkandal (big Big Truck Productions), Tim Park (Doki Doki), William Millbery (aluminum studios), Joe Croasdale(Maboroshi Studios)......then it was time for the AMV Exposition.... oh Tim park showed Eric's(also of Otaku Vengeance) pokemon video... hehe! sent the kiddies running for the exits.. at the amv expo I didn't win anything with my new vid... bah! but they did show it... and people seemed to enjoy it.. so yeah. ;)woulda been nice if more than one guy shared my sense of humor with that video but oh well.. maybe on repeat viewings it will get some good reviews. I also met up with Kwasek, and the rest of More than toast.
the rest of the amv stuff was pretty kick ass as well including the DDR (Dance dance revolution) project. basically they took the DDR 3rd mix which is continuous and made a long coninuous 41 song and video project... it was incredible seeind a 72 minute video... just my god.. it was created in idea and organized by Brad Demoss...
They showed my Various evil for the amv dance after the DDR project but it got cut off halfway through as they shut things down (mistakenly for the night)... yeah the convention center screwed up and shut it down at 2 when it was supposed to go almost all night... bah!
Saturday: more VAT guests including: Kestral, Denise and Lee (lostboy) Thompson, Jason Salce (reality yagami studio<RYS>), Brad Demoss...
I also spent some more time (more than Friday) in the Dealers room lookin for stuff.. I got the Key: The Metal Idol BMG soundtrack so I only have to track down the KTMI OST and the Nightwalker OST(which no one seemed to have)... but I also bought the Berserk OST (which rocks!!!) and the Spriggan OST (On a hunch... and it rocks!). anyways.. spending $80 on 3 cds gets to ya though no matter how badass they are. heh..
I also met Critical X and Neogohan(<from the OtakuVengeance Message board> later on that day... so wierd seeing everyone IRL ... heh but everyone I met was really cool. Saw the Pro and masters amv contest... great great stuff.. truly impressive..
ok heres the big news for Saturday for me though....
During the Iron chef challenge (two amv creators battle head to head iron chef style to creat an amv in 2 hours.. the two contestants where Hsien Lee (Kusoyaro) and Nigel O'Rear(damn I forgot) ... )
anyway they had some filler time while Hsien and nigel were editing... so they had a small prize to give away to anyone (not the people from the pro contest) who had a good video idea who could tell the song and anime and any specific cuts or scenes they wanted to use. well I hopped up there along with 5 other people (neo too!) and said my idea <you weren't there so you don't get to know it! haha! ;)> and basically after all the ideas were laid out the people who entered the pro and masters (minus Joe, Jason Salce and a few others who were out getting trashed)discussed who had the best idea and they picked mine! yay! heh.. you don't know how incredibly uplifting that was that it seemed that cool to them.. hehe.. Hsien and the other guy (Damn forgot his name but he won an award in pro)both told me a better fuckin have it ready for the next year.. hehe although I doubt Hsien remembers that being that he was given a sprit and vodka mix during the Iron Chef 2 hours and it turned out to be alot less sprit than he thought.. hehe.. yeah he was trashed... but i will definetly start working on that video now.. its gonna take a while.. and I have to recapture my footage with my prize.. yeah.. the big news is that the prize was a brand new capture card... wOOt! its a Total 3d 128 bit 4MB video capture card and graphics accelerator... yeah!! not sure if thats really good.. or what.. dunno.. its gotta be better than Dazzle DVC (DAZZLE IS THE DEVIL! STAY AWAY FROM THIS CRAPPY THING!)
so thats about it for Saturday..
oh and they reshowed the DDR Project (announced again the possible dvd in the near future of this 72 minute masterpiece with deleted songs scenes and a bunch of crazy shit!)
Sunday:VAT artists today were Nigel O'Rear, Colliding Symphonies, Hsien Lee (Kusoyaro), Matt Wagner (artificial Suns) and the More than Toast crew.
thats about it... an insane amount of great videos.. for those that know it "The Lesson" which was previously dumped in the amv dump by a fan on the OV message board got a standing ovation but no award.. just an honorable mention...
Someone did a Neon Genesis Evangeleon video set to Green Jelly's Three Little pigs which was insanely funny.. MUST GET A COPY OF THAT VIDEO!
I really did alot more than that but it was mostly as I described it...
I have a roll of film wiht pics of Neo, Critical X, and the MTT crew but I will ask them all first before I post em up.. even If I don't post their pics I will post the ones of the rest of the con.. stuff like that too look forward to ok?
I had a blast and I hope everyone else did as well..
and take a picture of this cause with my work habbit I probably won't ever update this journal thing anytime soon.. hehe..
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