JOURNAL: Lord Rae (Jimmy )

  • AWA required rundown.... 2002-10-04 00:14:18 Hmm... you've already read about the craziness that happened.. and while I wasn't around for alot of it... well I was around for a few things.....

    but how about the merc?

    I nabbed the .Hack Sign OST, both Hellsing OST's..... and that was my limit for cd purchases....

    I also bought Riding Bean on dvd... woot!

    oh and I might have purchased a few titles that normally wouldn't grace my shelves but I am one of the more curious people you'll ever meet and if theres something I have the possiblity to see then I'll try everything to get a peek at it...

    I bought Mezzo Forte - Directors cut, and Bible black (pretty much straight hentai...although its odd)

    soo.... I spent way too much money.. as for the Mezzo forte dvd... its interesting how unnecessary some of the sex scenes seemed... I really could have just saved my money.. and probably should have... but I was curious what the hubbub was all about...

    no pervs... there is no kiddie porn on these (I had heard that it was mostly exagerated) which pleases me since I don't have to burn it...

    If I was aiming for that I would have bought the Kite directors cut sitting right next to the mezzo dvd... but even if its not what I certainly didn't wanna spend the cash or have that sitting on my dvd shelf.... besides I already have KITE once.. why have a second one...

    the rest of my money went to food, alchohol and Pocky... which if you've never had it (and where have you been?) is basically japanese snack food that doubles as Crack... so addictive to eat I gave away 2 boxes so I wouldn't eat it all....

    videos I entered? 2 in Expo.. if you saw em you know it was my KEy video and my Generator Gawl video... don't know if the GGawl video played but the Key vid played on Sunday... ;)

    I met the guys from Hypeodermic and MJ and Carlos as well as Fluxmeister... If I met you as well and I didn't mention you dont' be offended.. I have the worst memory when it comes to names and especially names to faces memory.. just terrible.. but All the new folks and old friends were great... Thanks for coming to Atlanta! We will keep the place warm for ya whenever you decide to come back...

    hopefully I'll make it to Jacon this year, get my website back up and other random things I've been meaning to do forever and a day...  
  • Last journal entry was on July 15th... 2002-09-24 20:08:14 holy crap.. I kinda fell off the map for a while...

    I'm working on videos again....

    going to Awa this weekend...

    If you see me around say hi...

    thats about it...

    I'll be around the amv room for a good portion of the con...

    if theres a gathering of creators it would be nice If someone dragged me along cause I don't know too many creators outside of some of the folks based here in atlanta....

    see you all there.... 
  • heya! 2002-07-14 18:51:16 I'm back from vacation...

    so I'll be around again.. hopefully that means I'll start posting more in here again and actually have something interesting to say but really.... what are the odds of that happening?

    hehe. anyway..

    I'm gonna work on resurrecting Otaku Vengeance... its just me know... but eh.. oh well.. I can handle that...  
  • Well its been forever and a day..... 2002-07-07 12:23:08 since I updated this...

    Sorry if anyone was waiting for any great words of wisdom...

    yeah right... ;)

    I've had mono... not fun... was absolutely miserable and couldn't enjoy much of anything... but during this time I got my new video editing computer... which is awesome. A gig of DDR memory.. dual monitor display... 200 gigs of storage. its great.
    oh and for a capture card? a DV 500 DVD... its awesome as well...

    anyway.. now that I'm finally better (around 5 weeks of miserable mono) I'm going on vacation... sooo.... I'll be gone for another week.. then hopefully I'll start interacting with the world again.... I miss posting on here a bunch, and I miss hanging out at the anime group... so I'll be doing that again now that I feel good... finally..
    so yeah..

    anyway.. just giving you all an update... I'll post again when I get back into town...

    later :-) 
  • GAhhhhhhhhhh.......... 2002-05-13 00:42:11 Professional editing is not all its cracked up to be...

    I'm in the process of working on a 5 hour Lawnmower repair video... yep... not at all interesting... and try correcting audio grammer mistakes of a rich redneck..

    or not...

    I'm also working lots and lots of overtime... This week (From Monday to Saturday) I worked 72 hours... which is nice with the whole time and a half for overtime (anything over 40 hours in 1 week for you youngens)... gah.. I just typed youngens... must be that repair video...

    both jobs also take me at least 40 minutes away from home and thats at top speed with no traffic. so I don't have an easy commute to either... on the plus side at some point soon I should be able to afford to have a computer built for me that will allow me to not drive that one commute to the video editing gig.

    I'm loving the job other than the low pay and high stress of the content boring me...

    my boss has a computer with one of the first digital capture/editing cards ever made for computers..... I believe its called a DPS - Spark +... DPS's cards now are very very expensive (Around 4 grand and up each) but thier quality is top notch. He still prefers the DPS to the DV 500 in the new 2 ghz machine he got kind of recently.

    I was wondering if any of the quality obsessive (compliment I swear) people on here had heard of those DPS cards cause I just liked hearing about "the old days" hehe... I'd Bet that Quu is one of the few who do know... not sure who else though.

    if any of that made sense consider it a miracle since I'm working on very little sleep after the aformentioned 72 hour work week.  
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