Lord Rae (Jimmy )
2002-05-04 20:04:24
yep gharrr...
Situation at work has recently taken a turn for the worse... It seems my brothers past dealings (old business partners) with the Owner of the company may be influencing my standing at work... I don't have any direct dealings with the owner but my boss is a huge brown noser and trys to constantly be on the owners heels sucking up whatever scraps of compliments or whatever he drops.
My new boss (the noser) claims my old boss said I was a constant screw up last year... to which I never recieved any correction anything but the upmost praise and recognition. Yeah last year (Summer since its a seasonal job) I kicked ass... took names... and filed the paperwork.... this year I have three "Serious concerns" about my work that my boss informed me of today. ITs pool shit so its nothign serious but even in the pool biz this is all kids stuff.. easy small things that don't even matter to anal rententive folks.
1) I failed to properly roll the cover of the pool I acid washed on Monday. How did I do on the hard parts of the job that usually count? I rocked.. he admited that. but I rolled the cover incoreectly.. fucking sue me.. excuse the language.
2) I left leaves on the deck of the pool after said acid washing... ummm.. trees... drought... massive water shortage.... uhhh.. yeah. dead leaves... fucker... again .. sorry for the language... I should stop cussing... its only annoying me more...
3) At a seperate pool I declined to swim in the water to reclaim a "Warning No lifeguard" sign and instead decided I would bring back an extension pole later this week and get it out. They need the extension pole.. the sign has been on the bottom for a while now... a few days won't make or break it. bam...
soooo.. thats it... according to my (new) boss those three grips are suffiecent for him to want me fired.... too bad the president of the company knows I'm a good worker and said that So long as I realized that we need to have everything done fine and on time he didn't anticipate any problems... which means? well my boss is a brown noser all around.. so I should watch myself regardless.
The reason any of this is important to the anime side of life...
I am not gonna be able to go to Jacon now.. its too critical a part of the summer (Right after one of the biggest weekends) and its too soon after I got bitched out today...
So no Jacon for me... I'm still at AWA... but baring me getting fired or quiting I won't be around Florida anytime soon.
At least I always have the video editing gig to fall on should anything happen.... I just wish it payed more or was more consistent.
damn... why does life have to be complicated? I swear a simple boring life would be fine for me...
2002-05-03 17:36:58
Just got back from seeing spider-man. Awesome movie...
they did a really good job of keeping to the comics...
except for the organic webshooters... dammit... why? why organic?
other than that they kept to the Original storyline really well.
love it... maybe I'll do a full review later... I just wish I could be as verbose as Matt on these things...
wake up to plotting murder, but now the tide is turning, we lie our souls well hid in our bones while the empires burning
2002-05-03 03:19:06
title quote from a demo track off the new Project 86 cd called "Spy hunter"... a band unlike POD (and infinitely more talented) you'd never guess was christian unless you actually read a whole song of lyrics... actually it took me reading a few before I caught on.. still they are an incredibly heavy and thought provoking band.... really awesome.
EK - Maybe its the Perry Quomo(sp?) in Failed experiments talking to me but I get the feeling you'd really dig this video.
Its dedicated and features Dorithy from Big O as well... yeah.. its really good.. sure to make fans of the show (And maybe even someone who watches it only to laugh occasionally) smile...
anyway.. yeah... its worth the dl.. but I always expect to at least dl something from Fluxmeister...
as far as my video editing goes I finally worked on my Generator Gawl video.... and wow.. I came up with a really good ending... I love it.... I've also decided to edit some of the clips placed early on in editing.. change me around some...
I also spent most of the other night fixing hte major timing issues I was having... its all good now except for a few minors I'm pretty much done on timing.
Working like a fiend.. trying to schedule work around Jacon, and other things...
schools finished now... I gotta pick up my sculpture from the critique (prof kept them overnight while he was thinking or something artsy) tommorow after I go see spiderman. ;) yay... got my ticket already... can't wait....
oh well.. hopefully it won't be so long between my updates now that finals are over.
argh... social anarchy around here.....
2002-04-28 19:59:01
my brothers club is doing really well in Austin.
Bruce Mcoullah(spelling?) and Scott Thompson from Kids in the hall were hanging out and drinking in my brothers club last night.
Thier manager called beforehand to make sure they could get in.
then Bruce kept telling my brothers wife that she was cute and she said she felt like "Rudoulph in the old animated movie where he yells "I'm Cute I'm Cute!"" hehe.. funny as hell.
yep.. ;)
anyway.... super busy now... finals week. works gearing up for the summer and various other things bringing me to the social anarchy I mentioned... yep..
seeming fun.
not sure yet though if I like this whole "busy" thing.
"What if i had never decided this, would I be here? or would I be gone.... "
2002-04-25 22:13:17
song quote is from Audiovent's song "One Small choice". I hear audiovent is changing their name to "Vent" before the cd comes out.. ;) so if your looking for it maybe that will help.
so what happened with me while the site was away?
I won an art contest.. yep! I was pretty stoked... I got second place for my Stone Sculpture out of limestone. which is pretty sweet.. I was really happy as I didn't think I'd win anything. It was a juried art show which makes it even nicer.... most shows are juried but there are a few that aren't....
prize? wow I get money for that.. cool... $75 bucks I didn't have before... yay!
I also got two of my wood sculptures past the first second and third cuts... which means their in the show as well... just didn't win anything with them but thats just cool. especially with all the competition in sculpture and the relatively small space they have for the exhibit.
As far as videos I haven't worked much on anything.... my professional video editing job is in brief hibernation while my boss gets his new editing system shipped to him. my pool management gig is going well.. lots of work.. although it might prevent me from going to Jacon since its on memorial weekend... and when do 99% of pools open for the summer officially? that freaking weekend.. I really wanna go so I may try to tweak my work schedule to allow me to....
I bought Metropolis and Spriggan on dvd on Tuesday.... cool.. both beautiful animes and a little lacking on plot but at least spriggan has a cool location and soundtrack... both are animated beautifully although in really different styles... actually the two couldn't be more different stylistically.
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