JOURNAL: Lord Rae (Jimmy )

  • .....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2002-04-13 11:42:03 My brother gave me a call from Austin with good/interesting news...

    MTV is using his club to hold a casting call for Real World and Road Rules... He was also used somewhat recently for a SBSW closing party so I guess his club is doing good.. I really don't know where my brother gets his time though... he wakes up early in the morning and runs his Pool Management company staffing lifeguards, arranging for chemicles to be delivered and dealing with clients. then around mid afternoon he switches to the club and runs that for the rest of the night... hes just a workaholic.. something that seems to run in the family :::shudder:::

    anyway... thats about it... still very busy here...

    oh and if your in the austin Area MTV will be at my brothers club next Friday the 19th. not sure on times but i bet you can check the mtv website. My brothers club?

    Its called Elysium.

    my brothers wife Dj's on Wed and Sun.. ;)  
  • the abused will abuse... my father lives inside of me 2002-04-10 23:17:25 above quote from the Lollipop Lust Kill song "Father" which oddly has very little to do with anything I know about.. o_O


    Like I need anything else eating up my time I have purchased a router for a home network.. but I only have one computer so what for? welllllll lets just say when you can skirt the system and play XBox online simply by having a router and a steady dsl connection I go for it...

    yep.. I'm playing Halo Online... my god.. so much fun but at the same time I realized something.. I'm really bad at this game.. not bad in the sense that I can't hold my own.. I just don't have the competetive experience to take on most of these people.. I just keep getting owned.. like you wouldn't believe..

    Two nights now I've played... both nights nothing but insanely good players... just wow.. In the group of people I play with on my Xbox we get some great 4 player games going... I almost always finish 1st or second... we actually have 5 people but we switch off... anyway..

    the first night we got it all hooked up we all 4 played some team games against 4 other people... we all got worked.. over.. bad.. this guy named "Omega" was just godlike.. in a 4 on 4 deathmatch team game to 50 kills he had 32 kills BY HIMSELF... the other people in his team were not so hard to kill and not so good at killing but when you managed to kill him they immediately popped out in like groups of 2 or 3 and slaughtered us.. they evendently realized this is a team game and strategize accordingly.. we have no team strategy mostly cause its usually us playing against each other...

    i know all this is probably boring but I just wanted to say hey if you got an xbox, home network or money for a router and a dsl connection (And the game of course) you can play online.. come join! I need someone I can kill.. heh. give me time.. which I don't have but still..........

    if your interested or whatever..

    night all... 
  • doh! 2002-04-04 18:59:21 not only did I misquote the song, but type "most" when I meant to type "move"....

    I need more sleep...  
  • Standing on the edge of the earth > jump into the center of fame > walk right into your gun > stare into the new futures face 2002-04-04 18:55:59 Above quote from an insanely interesting song called "Edge of the Earth".

    you can nab it for the next two days....


    other than that I went and had my hair chopped off...

    before and kinda scary wildman look...

    after and clean shaven...

    yeah.. ;) I miss my hair... it doesn't swing when I most my head now...


  • awwww.... 2002-04-02 19:47:51 EK. NOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo

    I got 10 seconds of video... damn...

    oh well... maybe in the future...

    or hopefully I'll see it at awa...

Current server time: Jan 13, 2025 09:32:28