Lord Rae (Jimmy )
2002-02-26 18:45:36
Matt > the Season Finale of OZ repeats tonight at 12...
I think if you go to you can find a listing of other times it will repeat. ;)
its great.. don't miss it. I won't say anything else but I'm dying to talk about it.. ;Þ
damn it feels good to be a gangster....
2002-02-25 16:24:31
EK - one last mention... I think I've posted this here before but my brother owns a nightclub in Austin. Its called Elysium but it used to be called "The Atomic Cafe". Actually this is more directed to everyone... ;)
There's the site if you’re curious as to events or anything... my brother has similar musical tastes to me although we differ in a few key areas. ;)
I don't know how often he's there so I can't really say "go say hi to him" but hey. What the hell. ;) Not sure why I'm plugging my brothers business... so I'll just stop.
If any of you watch the HBO series OZ did you catch the season Finale last night? ARGH! Only 8 episodes this season, which while remaining like the first 3 seasons still, feels really short. God. Especially after last season with 16 eps... The first season comes out on dvd around the middle of March. So at least I can pick up at the beginning since I only started watching it towards the end of season 3...
If you've never seen OZ its hard to describe. It’s a prison drama with politics, violence and love, hate and everything in between tossed in. It’s not a happy series. USUALLY the references and actual showing of guys kissing and or other things is very brief... I'm confident enough in myself that I can handle a little of that without freaking out... "NO! NO TOUNGE YOU BASTARDS... ARGH!!!!" Yeah. Basically it’s a great show. I really enjoy all the ins and outs of the show and there’s always the possibility that characters that have been on the show for years and years can just suddenly be killed. It gives you no securities if your liking one character or another... you just end up depressed... That’s just what makes it great though...
If you watch an episode of OZ you'll probably recognize lots of actors especially if you watch any of the Law and Order Franchises... I think they share agents as certain characters end up as lawyers, cops criminals or whatever on the various franchises of L&O.
"I don't your forgivness, don't need your hate, don't need your acceptance, so what should I do?"
2002-02-25 12:20:44
thats cool EK. I kind of understood what you mean...
I'm tend just to ignore the people throwing flames at each other but I guess I've never been a target or been included as a reasoning for them being so... errr "flamey".
Anyway yeah I can somewhat see that and like I said before I started I didn't think I'd be changing your mind or anything and its also not like your quiting completely; but I just felt like it was a bad start to things for people to be giving the venom tossers that much weight. Kind of a bad vision of the future ya know?
anyway thats cool. Can't wait to see you enter the dance at AWA. Thats Something I look forward to more and more each week it seems.
"One more time, anytime, one more time, live my life one more time"
2002-02-25 02:57:49
Hmmm... Genesis? No.... Samuel? no... John? ... no...
Its gotta be somewhere....
Having Alf in a calling plan commercial has got to be a sign of the apocalypse. But I can't seem to find a biblical reference.
Maybe if I went from a Latin version...
Ek - I think dropping out of competition is a terrible mistake. I know more than likely some random person you've never met (or 1000 for that matter) telling you to change your mind isn't really gonna help or sway you in a direction... but what the hell. Here I go.
If everyone were to drop out just for some of the reasons you've stated then well I think the quality of current and future videos and video creators will suffer. Even if you were to become super Caldwell and throw a winning video at every contest you breathed in the direction of I don't think that would be a reason to drop out. Without pinnacle leadership any venture is going to suck. Basically someone like that would be a leading point, a focus of reference and all around motivation for anyone and everyone interested in a specific goal. So we need people to rock the newbies socks off... To make even veteran creators go "wait a minute. how tha? What tha? Why didn't I do that". Basically it’s all about where you’re looking at it from and who your looking through the eyes of. I don't think anyone informed enough or talented enough has ever looked at anything you or anyone has done and said, "Fuck it I quit... I'll never be able to compete with that". So don't take any thoughts you may have like that seriously... Just don't quit competing for competing sake.
Now since its nearly 3 am and you may not even see that, and even if you did it probably won't make much sense but hey.... What the hell.
Those happen to be my 2 cents no matter how garbled and or unintelligible it is...
And off to dream town I go.
Night all....
My Sculpture....
2002-02-22 20:29:49
I took a few shots of my stone (Limestone) sculpture.
take into consideration that as wide is the base is, is how much stone was on the block all the way up. So I've carved ALOT off of the initial block.
the form is very unfinished and I have alot of rounding and shaping to do (and about a week to do it in)
so..... I should be able to post some updated pictures sometime soon of it hopefully finished..
Stone takes SOOOOO long to carve as opposed to wood... but its fun!
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