HollowAkasuki (Ash )
Another Channel
2013-11-03 23:00:52
So I have another Channel on Youtube
I be posting the same video's on this one and its also becuase if my original one goes down. Though on This one I will be posting other things and not just amv's, but also Video Gaming, Soundtrack music, and paintings.
thanks for your time
Can't wait
2013-08-25 00:04:08
So today I just bought a drawing tablet and a phone case. I don't know why i'm sharing this to you guys but I am anyways.
I bought a new drawing tablet because my last one broke it made me so mad. It finally took me this long to buy a new one because my last one broke around Christmas of last year. I think the reason being was because of money. But now that I'm working I can afford it. But the thing is I bought a refurbished one and i have to trust the reviews I read about it.
But now I'm thinking about buying a Nintendo Nes. Don't ask me why but I do. But all the Nes games are sold for around $100 and up.
Oh recently I've been thinking about making a couple amvs using music from Two Steps From Hell.
2013-08-22 14:17:17
okay okay so i lied I got tired of making that amv. But decided to make another one instead. I decided to make another angel beats amv. The song I had chosen for this one is Anthem of The Angels by Breaking Benjamin. I have never made an amv with one of their songs yet but we'll how this one goes.
Oh yeah, on a side note. I wish that I woulda brought my computer with me when I had went to virginia because I was a little bored without it. I coulda traced some images with Illustrator made some amvs while i was on the plane. But nope I left it home.
2013-08-10 14:02:40
So in order to get used to Sony Vegas Pro 12.0 I'm making a amv based on playing around with effects, masking, etc. I know it may turn out like crap but i don't care, one needs to learn a new program somehow.
Its Done
2013-08-01 15:24:20
Hey guys my though the fire and flames amv is done. I am just waiting for it to upload to youtube.
Current server time: Mar 11, 2025 03:04:10