artfreak13 (Nick J)
too small to care about
2002-05-21 16:38:57
for some time now the internet has been off in my dorm so i have to travel out to the student center just to check my email! how long will it last? dont know. anyhow i starting to get back into the swing of things, morning classes, job, study at night. what really sucks though, is how im LIMITED to working only 17 hours a week! looks as if i have to pick up a second job faster than i thought.
owners of xbox.................. beware
2002-05-21 12:03:49
its summertime and you know what that means, the big push of video games to the public.
playstation2, gamecube, and xbox have already chopped down their prices, but is that really good? according to sources, microsoft is actuallY LOSING MONEY ON EACH XBOX THEY SELL, and its a far cry from catching up to playstation2 in sales, let alone gamecube.
ps2 20 million
gamecube 5 million
xbox 3 million
this is one investment bill gates wont be happy about
ps2 owners rejoice, you got one system that wont disappoint
keep on rockin in the free world
2002-05-20 11:22:57
im back from my first class, and neddless to say i need to sleep more out of class instead of hazing out. aside from the crappy showers, it is an otherwise cool place to live in, although i dont know how to fair against living with 2 roommates yet, as i havent seen either of them long enough to even have a decent chat, which is a good thing for the moment i guess. today i plan to start work at the library, working at least 4 hours a day. 8 would be nice, but that will have to wait until i finish classes
i wonder if can even have time for the art lab
2002-05-19 20:28:29
as it turns out, i have 2 roommates, so things are going to get a little complicated. it shouldnt be too bad, seeing how we each have our own things to do, going our seperate ways 12 hours out of the day. all in all, i am excited to get out of the house, and with only 2 liberal arts classes to worry about is should at least pull in B's. peace
ty mi oooopp
2002-05-19 15:04:22
im back at school, and quite frankly, i developed a divided feeling about being back. for the next month i reside in the upperclassmen, men only dorm. its kinda small, but with a cool tv room, 2 kitchens, and a (2) computer lab, i cant complain. but its too damn quiet for my taste, at least until my roommate gets here. however, this has been the kind of situation ive been wanting for a while now. almost complete seperation from my usual life 90% of the time, blah blah blah
talk later
Current server time: Jan 16, 2025 14:14:07