JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • dont you ever get stuck in the sky 2002-01-27 12:19:01 apparently netzero likes to screw around with their clients. they plan to remove the access numbers i use on feb 15, and i still have another month of service, hopefully they will get their act together and have new ones added. but for now it doesnt look good, i might have go back to ponying up $21 a month for crappy service again. *sigh* its times like this i wish i brought my computer to school, unhindered by the damn corporate internet. in simialar news my roommate's computer apparently cant go online because it is a piece of crap.

    in more positive news i like to report that is back with videos actually posted, definitely worth a look if you are not tired of eva videos yet. on top of which i managed to download a couple of more vids, so expect to hear more of my crazy ranting -__- 
  • reflection 2002-01-22 10:39:42 as of this time, i have a little over 40 amvs broken down into a few data cd burns. being the weird organized freak that i am, i mostly catalogued my collection and broken it down into seperate "volumes" based on which anime had been used. of course i have a cd strcitly to evangelion, and funny (or weird) amvs in another. and of course one with a chock of goodness from the otaku vengeance crew. i still have some sorting to do but chances are i might end up with a tenchi disc (?) a dbz disc (???) and one strictly based on action, or fight scenes.

    i have also come to a startling discovery. it wasnt until after my visit to the video store that i realized how much more the dvd shelves have spanned all over the place in just the past month, while vhs has become less than dominating along the outside walls of the store. its safe to say that within this year vhs will be taking a back seat in the entertainment industry, possibly thrown out the window. 
  • .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. 2002-01-21 22:15:20 damn today was a great day. for nine hours straight i worked on art and it was the best school day for the longest time. i have some cool projects in the works in class. already i have shown improvement in figure drawing. tonight is the kickoff for voting for logos, unfortunately i need to get to bed earlier, seeing how i was falling asleep in my 12 - 3 class, which is a sad state to be in. but hopefully i will start voting by 8 am. goodnight 
  • AKIRA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! 2002-01-20 11:48:51 WHOAA.......THAT WAS SOME AWESOME SHIT. I WAS RELUCTANT TO GET IT SINCE IT WAS MADE SO LONG AGO, HENCE THE STANDARD HAVE CHANGED CONSIDERABLY SINCE 1988. BUT INSTEAD I SEE HOW, EVEN NOW, IT STANDS BY ITSELF BEING ONE OF THE MOST GROUNDBREAKING AND AWE INSPIRING ANIME OF ALL TIME. the music placement reminds me of evangelion, with a ton of cool action sequences and plot development. well enough of that stuff that has been said possibly a billion times over.....

    for now i plan to lay off the big spending until suncoast video has another triple points weekend for store members in late february. 
  • da da dadada AKIRA!!!! 2002-01-19 16:04:55 well i spent another $80 worth of art supplies, ranging from canvas to charcoal. but so far i havent spent as much as i expected yet, but it is too early for me to think i will have a full wallet within a month. so to celebrate my luck i took a trip to the mall and picked up the first album of system of a down, i just started listening to it and its awesome, but it lacks the polished sound of toxicity. i also took a look at the anime shelves at suncoast and decided "what the hell, i might as well pick up the akira dvd while im here." hopefully ill have time to watch it on my roomate's crappy dvd rom on his computer this weekend or at home next week.

    thingss to do

    art history
    computer graphics
    figure drawing
    painting supplies 
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 02:50:33