JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • the conspiracy behind having a good day 2002-01-10 23:05:06 by the time i finish writing this more than 600 times that people have seen my journal. i havent the time to look back on my words of stupidity due to my slow modem, but chances are i problably written 10+ pages. ive had an ok day. i managed to draw a little, a cool figure drawing of mr. freeze from batman the animated series. it turned out good, although i noticed im having problems with perspective foreshortening, nothing that a little practice wont cure. i also managed to fit some time to organize my amvs more. i realized that i have around 30 videos! with several more on the way. hopefully i will be able to download another otaku vengeance video along with that popular "senshi on springer" vid. MY LAST DAY OF WORK IS TOMORROW!  
  • doom doom doomy doom doom 2002-01-10 01:11:56 a friend of mine gave me a kickass CD chock full of INVADER ZIM EPISODES! KICKASS! ON TOP of which i was able to organize my amvs better, managing to get several cd burns done (one dedicated strictly to the great amv creators at otaku vengeance, 5 in my collection and growing) with my day off tomorrow i hope to get my shit together for college, and finish the logo designs.
    Now for some bad news. one MORE DAY of work. work sucks. the end 
  • slingshot BooMerang 2002-01-09 00:43:16 im beginning to assert myself for school, trying to get to bed earlier, getting up earlier, getting my stuff together, burning my amvs on CD :)
    time is running short, with only 2 more work days left and 4 days until i have to go back to school (ARGH!) oh well nothing good lasts forever, not that it was any fun to begin with. however i managed to apply myself by working on some new logos for this site. since i havent done some design work in a while it will be a couple of days of experimenting before i will be able to deliver the finished product 
  • whoa dude 2002-01-07 22:50:43 hmmm... well besides the 2 FEET OF SNOW THAT FELL OVERNIGHT, nothing new to talk about. watching some crazt shit from police videos about a hijcked tank on the warpath in sandiego. more recently i heard of a 15 year old that flew a small plane into the building. what a fucked up world we live in. 
  • "I'm the fucking boss you mother fucker!!!" 2002-01-06 02:07:27 The above phrase is a direct quote from my boss (the NICER one) while ripping into one of my coworkers for trying to get him in trouble. somehow i manage to keep on his good side, which shouldn't be too hard now that i have only 3 DAYS OF WORK LEFT ON MY BREAK. i guess he did that to have enough time to prepare to go back to school. after this dose of reality from this prep cook job, i look forward to go back to my haven at school, not to mention going back to my work study job with a new found gratitude for being an assistant to the library (at 75 more cents an hour than my current job). maybe i should start working 10 hours a week... . . . . . . .  
Current server time: Jan 31, 2025 08:45:36