artfreak13 (Nick J)
sleep now in the fire - burning like my eyes seeing hell through my doors
2001-12-23 01:19:44
well as it turns out im only going to see 2 relatives this christmas
my grandmother and my uncle
i plan to make the most of it , since grandma is anxious to see my artwork and im anxious to show her. however working 7-8 hours into the night kills any hope of accomplishing anything during the daytime. so i planned to take time off work to rest / draw and play cards. from the looks of it ill be working CHRISTMAS EVE FROM 5 TILL GOD ONLY KNOWS, but apparently my time off conflicted with what my boss had in mind so i ended up having THE REST OF THE WEEK OFF!!! my boss is pissed that i didnt tell him earlier, and im kinda pissed i wont make money but i need a mental (physical) break from only seeing 4 hours of daylight. this should give me a chance to get out of this insomnia habit ive been getting into
sleep now in the fire - burning like my eyes seeing hell through my doors
2001-12-23 01:19:30
well as it turns out im only going to see 2 relatives this christmas
my grandmother and my uncle
i plan to make the most of it , since grandma is anxious to see my artwork and im anxious to show her. however working 7-8 hours into the night kills any hope of accomplishing anything during the daytime. so i planned to take time off work to rest / draw and play cards. from the looks of it ill be working CHRISTMAS EVE FROM 5 TILL GOD ONLY KNOWS, but apparently my time off conflicted with what my boss had in mind so i ended up having THE REST OF THE WEEK OFF!!! my boss is pissed that i didnt tell him earlier, and im kinda pissed i wont make money but i need a mental (physical) break from only seeing 4 hours of daylight. this should give me a chance to get out of this insomnia habit ive been getting into
PooP oN Me
2001-12-20 01:43:27
got back from work a couple of hours ago ill problably be in bed by 2. i did a fucking stupid thing, i worked for 2 1/2 hours until i realized i didnt even clock in. fuckity fuck fuck i almost left without logging out too fuck oh well i would of lost that money to taxes anyway fuck fuck fuck i feel this vacation is already circling the toilet since i havent done ANYTHING WHAT I WANT (NEED?) TO DO, HOPEFULLY ILL GET UP A DECENT TIME TO WORK ON THE LIST
the other thing i have been struggling with lately is what to buy next for my anime dvd collection, partly im interested in the slayers series, particularly the movies. i wonder when the other movies will be released?????? the motion picture was funny as hell and the ova series matched it episode for episode. on the other hand ive been itching to get saber marionette j. ive heard nothing but good things for it but from what i could tell it might be just another tenchi rip off. right now though im not really in the mood to go out and pony up the dough for an entire series. i already have most of the tapes of evangelion, and i dont like the idea of buying another 8 dvds, to have a series like that out so long adv films should have at least cut it down to 4 separate dvd packages. oh well unless my little cousins torch my collection, or some peeps are willing to buy my tapes, i doubt ill ever get the will power (or money)to convert my tape collection to dvd. goodnight
2001-12-16 00:33:14
im feelin better now i that had the chance to get the hell out of the dishpits...of hell. the regular dishguy came back from his day off of the month (the guy works every 8+ hour night the place is open). i would rather do a pile salads than a ton of dishes. i feel a lot better, with my day off tomorrow, today, i got nothing else better to do than kick back and get shit done
you call this vacation??????
2001-12-15 02:10:15
today i maneged to get my license renewed, after some geriatrics tried to work on a computer i finally got it, its some cruudy license specifically designed for under 21 drivers bleh.
well i got back to work again tonight. i washed dishes the best i could ALONE for 8 hours without a break and still managed to get behind. i think it was around the 5th hour i developed a brain tumor from me screaming in my head how bad this job sucks. then i got home and threw up. my tumor has gone down since but chances are i finally caught a stomach bug from college. even now, the first day of my break come and gone, i feel that my plans of drawing and working on art projects other people were working on is flying out the window. hopefully later today ill feel better.
Current server time: Mar 02, 2025 01:41:54