JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • ..... 2001-12-03 23:58:29 gave up on the report tonight going to bed 
  • RuSH JoB 2001-12-03 16:56:03 This is going to be a week of big accomplishments as the semester draws to a screeching stop.
    i already handed in the BIG art project and starting on the next one.

    I PLAN on finishing off my art history research tonight after work study.

    my LAST swimming class is thursday

    LAST project for that joke of an ad graphics class

    runnning LOW on money

    ................... need dinner 
  • who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 2001-11-29 20:26:59 just started watching spongebob, planing my next move

    what i hope to work on

    - work on my art history
    - visual concepts
    - 101
    - social issue ideas
    - ad graphics initials ideas

    - art history

    -new job-
    - dishwasher / prep cook
    - hours ???? 
  • you don't care 2001-11-28 12:26:47 well looks like i have to work my ass off this afternoon so i can computer programs handed in tonight, as well as having a decent chance of passing the test, other than that im just a couple of steps away of completing my art project.

    but i still have a ways to go to complete my research, but its comforting to know other people didnt even start yet.

    as for ad graphics the damn printer wont work so i assume the damn teacher will give the class a damn extension

    and i haven't started on my other project yet

    im doing good, its just i have to be a dishwasher again for the third straight job *_* 
  • yeah yeah yeah 2001-11-27 09:22:33 psycho groupie cocaine crazy
    payscho groupie go
    makes you high makes you hide
    makes you really want to go
    psycho groupie cocaine crazy
    payscho groupie go
    makes you high makes you hide
    makes you really want to go

    - system of a down, "psycho"

    nothing really new on my agenda 
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