JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • (/)ajin (/)essage 2001-11-18 12:11:57 3 more days till t-day break

    with any luck i should be able to get another 6 - 7 pieces done for my art project

    hopefully a good sale will be going on soon so i can get a dvd player, though i have doubts its smart to even get it at all.

    im still pissed off that dbz was cut short, just when it was getting good 
  • yay 2001-11-17 11:43:37 today im gonna finish my report

    then i will start research for 2 other projects
    as well as work on my big art project

    only 4 more days till thanksgiving break

    by today more than 200 people would have seen my profile 
  • still working on my report 2001-11-14 16:20:56 shit im lazy, with a little more creative inspiration i should get my ass out of the gutter and on to actually getting on to some meaningful typing done and work a little on my art project, after my computer class 
  • yeah 2001-11-13 18:39:44 i just got back from my art history test, so thats one less weight on my shoulders to worry about, but i still have to worry about-----
    -english research
    -BIG ASS art project
    -art history research
    -art research
    - going crazy from projects
    - getting some hot tail
    - winter break job 
  • what 2001-11-11 22:01:17 im in the mists of finishing my paper, hopefully ill finish tonight with any luck

    i also noticed that most of the anime i want now is on dvd. i tried to find it in the vhs section, no luck despite running through fricking 4 shelves of dragon ball, so i guess ill have to put a dvd player on my shopping list

    "I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college and got my tuition fees back." -Fred Allen
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