JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • no im not dead yet 2001-11-09 15:06:10 still bogged down with school work
    -study art history
    -visual concepts

    good news though:
    i decided to go with angelfire to plant my website at, seeing how cool they are, giving technical html advice and code without hassle

    no im not dead yet
    'cause im not going to let
    myself get buried under
    6 feet of work... 
  • list of work 2001-11-05 16:49:48 today i continue fighting the good fight

    -report - due 16th - finish by thursday
    -visual concepts- finish 5 ideas a day
    -art history study/research
    -ad graphics-finish both writing material/ project - print out

    -english reading- finish today 
  • e 2001-11-02 12:39:10 just letting you know im still alive, nothing has changed in my plans, i DO plan on getting a website, and i DO plan on working on my on personal art, AND I DO PLAN I PRACTICING GUITAR SOMETIME BEFORE THE END OF THE YEAR >_<, but for this weekend i will be able to concentrate on a large load of school projects that will problably be the final big heap before the semester ends SO I CAN WORK ON MY HEAP OF PROJECTS 
  • yeah 2001-10-30 09:12:45 finally my internet service has been restored so i can now continue downloading amvs 
  • big fight tomorrow 2001-10-29 23:26:21 goku vs majin vegeta
    the threats and interferences are now pushed aside as these two knock the crap out of each other 
Current server time: Mar 03, 2025 23:38:27