JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • nothing new 2001-10-29 23:21:52 luckily ive been able to find my keyboard under all of the paperwork cluttering my desk. nothing much as changed, except now i have a bigger project to do in exchange for completing the last one on time 
  • put on hold 2001-10-27 23:26:46 due to numerous amount of work that is coming up in school, all of my plans on a website and working on my personal art projects are on hold.

    -visual concepts project due MONDAY
    -advertising graphics?
    -computer programming test
    -art history test + tutoring
    -4 page research report due nov 16th

    this has me conclude that my only free time for my own projects won't be until thanksgiving if im lucky 
  • dude 2001-10-26 10:37:24 all i have to say is don't miss dbz next week. the rematch of the century going down as goku fights majin vegeta! 
  • future plans? 2001-10-23 18:30:31 in the chance that the reactivation of my internet service actually happens, i hope to finally create a website. i dont know what it will contain at this point, problably some pokemon bashing or something. however i do plan on integrating my artwork into it.

    ... although i might be getting ahead of myself i might consider lending a hand to other sites
    but as things are right now i guess this is all wishful thinking
  • give em hell 2001-10-23 00:15:54 my ad graphics teacher is a bastard. 9 weeks into the semester and we are only starting on our 2nd project, yes, our 2ND GODDAMM PROJECT!!! if anything were to change about the current situation in this week for the better, i might let it pass. but for now im aiming to complain to the school, and advocate others to do the same. a college student should expect challenge and an intense learning experience.... its what we pay for dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Current server time: Mar 04, 2025 02:34:46