JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • just doin laundry 2001-10-12 10:22:56 today i go back home again to have fun, study hard, and practice guitar. Like i have been stating for the past several days, i plan on working on some banners for the contest. expect them to be either techi or dragonball themed. i managed to collect a wide assortment of images over the past week along with some interesting background textures so i would at least have a variety of elements to work with.
    have a good weekend everybody 
  • times ticking down 2001-10-10 21:37:27 This week is turning out great. I managed to actually pass some midterm tests, while classes are going by smooth enough. I should have plenty of time over the weekend to get some art projects.

    im gettting psyched up about being able to have time to work on the banners for the contest. Im hoping to get at least three done but i problably wont be able to send them in until i get back from break. it should be interesting applying a design with such limited space to work with. so keep your eyes peeled for a nice bunch of banners early next week. 
  • it had to happen 2001-10-10 12:14:30 from the looks of it i have no other choice but to switch to a pay service
    for the rest of my natural life. the good news is that there is enough of those $10 services around (at the moment) to make a smart choice

    hopefully netzero will get their act together and reactivate access numbers

    who knows free internat might make a comeback....
    like michael jordan coming back to basketball at the age of 60 
  • "Insect of the future" 2001-10-08 15:37:58 this is a pretty eventful week for me, being able to hand in a ton of projects, as well as submitting an art piece for public display

    Hopefully this week will go smoothly so i can look forward to a relaxing 4 day weekend 
  • free internet is going extinct (does money really make the world go round?) 2001-10-07 22:23:38 in my search (and hopes) of finding a different free internet service i discovered that hte majority out there are
    - crappy connections as a cheap way for advertising a pay service
    - suffered major layoffs causing less access numbers
Current server time: Mar 04, 2025 08:28:24