artfreak13 (Nick J)
In a ritual rarely seen by outsiders, males of the species fight to determine "donut rights."
2003-04-16 10:03:58
some half life humor
"Who would've thought hell would really exist? And that it would be in New Jersey?"
2003-04-14 12:40:51
i actually got into command and conquer almost a year ago when my room mate was playing it. and pretty soon i got hooked on it. its basically a war simulation game, having control over a military unit that goes through a certain mission or battle many different teams at once. but that has long since been deleted from his computer, being too much of a distraction from school. now i finally managed to get a copy of my own. cnc red alert: red strike cost me a measly $21 (included red alert 2 and yuri's revenge). and since my pc is at home it should not be toooo much of a distraction from school -_-
cool game reference site
2003-04-13 16:19:00
weirdest chocolate milk promotion
......anyway easter is around the corner and i have little else to worry about aside from matting some art assignments and a presentation. the closing weeks of the semester should go by easy enough. for the summer though i will have to take a psych class along with my internship, and hopefully i will be able to hold onto the intern job as a real one.
quote 2.0
2003-04-13 12:30:14
Fry: "All right… It's Saturday night. I have no date, a two liter bottle of Shasta and my all rush mix tape. Let's rock!"
new quote of the day
2003-04-13 11:48:05
Farnsworth: "We, by which I mean you, will have to rush him to his ancient homeworld, which will shortly erupt in an orgy of invertebrate sex."
Fry: "Oh, baby. I'm there!"
Leela: "Fry, do you even understand the word invertebrate?"
Fry: "Nope, but that's not the word I'm interested in. No need to pack pants, people. Let's roll!"
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 05:11:02