JOURNAL: artfreak13 (Nick J)

  • funny quote of the day 2003-04-04 08:02:29 Zapp: "Captain's Journal. Stardate...uh..."
    Kif: *sigh* "April 13th."
    Zapp: "April 13.2! We have failed to uphold Brannigan's Law. However, I did make it with a hot alien babe. And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars? Kif, I'm asking you a question."
    Kif: *sigh* 
  • its been some time 2003-04-02 13:27:54 just last month i started my internship at a small monthly magazine, working 8 hours each weekend there. on top of which, the 18 credit semester is not going as good as i thought it would go. but i found a way to scan negatives in the computer = no wasted nights in a dark room. at the rate im going, come spring 2004 i will only have to do 12 credits.

    still as busy as ever, and in case you havent visited my site recently, i took it down to work on a more professional look. i havent set a time to finish it yet, so i guess im on schedule(??) 
  • as the year comes to a close 2002-12-13 11:23:58 after all the weather delays i STILL have a final to take on tuesday, so while everyone sits in their dorm i will be at home tonight. as for a second job, i havent heard a peep from either copymax or kmart so it looks as if the original plan is still in action: working at the college library 12-16 hours a week. hell, the hourly rate more than makes up for my cancelled second job.

    on top of which, i was given a task to help with a website, and the webmaster is more than willing to pay for my services so it evens out. lets see what else...

    -newspaper graphics
    -update website
    -reorganize portfolio
    -do laundry

    looks like i will be occupied for a while, seeing how i have 7 loads of laundry... 
  • Yes, it's a dream. 2002-12-08 15:52:18 just saw end of eva and HHOOOOOOLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE SSSSHHHIIITTTT!!!
    that was amazing. it was good to finally have a more complete ending to the series only after started watching the series 2 years ago, thers a reason why eva is such a legendary series, and i rediscovered that with end of eva.....and that is the only thing i am giving away to people who haven't seen it

    approaching the final week of school with only 1 test i actually have to study for, and 4 art projects that need some finishing touches. thats it. during this time i can't help but reflect upon my time in college, for one i am already a junior, and the real world is quickly catching up to me.

    as it turns out i will have 2 jobs(?!?!?!?!) this break, working at my college library and (hopefully) copymax. who knows i just might learn something.... 
  • C++ is the devil, sleep is 100% psychological 2002-12-04 12:07:30 time to get up to speed...
    ONLY 1 1/2 WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT woot woot
    things have gone fairly smooth this semester. A LOT of portfolio-worthy pieces to hold on to, not to mention several less liberal arts classes to worry about (NO MORE MATH!!!!)

    for anybody checking out my site
    there is big things on the horizon. with any luck i should be able to start work on it again sometime after the 13th. and with only 4 weeks of vacation until i start my 18 credit semester, i guarantee I will go on an update frenzy up till mid january, i already have at least 3 images i plan to post, and an urge to do a truckload of fanart. i hope to fine tune the site a little better too, ie better organized images, links, etc

    as for a winter break job, i plan to work at the college library again. trust me, after scrubbing toilets and washing dishes, its heaven on earth. the hours might stink, getting maybe 16 hours a week, but at least i will have a vacation that i can enjoy. oh well, back to selling my kidney on ebay.

    speaking of ebay, can anyone tell me the best way to sell artwork there, i would much appreciate it 
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