JOURNAL: Iamshadowkiller (Juan C. Rodriguez)

  • 2003-07-25 19:47:25 congratulations on the new family addition Stryker =D

  • omgwtflol:o 2003-07-25 19:00:31 Iamshadowkiller (4:36:51 PM): are you there yet?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:36:53 PM): how about now?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:36:53 PM): now?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:36:56 PM): now?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:36:57 PM): now?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:36:58 PM): O_O
    MexicanJunior (4:38:15 PM): No airport on cell
    Iamshadowkiller (4:38:23 PM): O_O
    Iamshadowkiller (4:38:26 PM): son of a bitch
    Iamshadowkiller (4:38:29 PM): you can do that?
    Iamshadowkiller (4:38:31 PM): that's focking crazy
    Iamshadowkiller (4:38:32 PM): :o

    the magic of technology...soon, we'll all be chatting using our toasters...

  • 2003-07-22 23:08:44 *To Shadow13:

    Screw you you Fucking Bastard. I was not ranting, I was just making a point. Go to hell you god damn son of a bitch. I might E-mail this to you incase you don't read this. (I knew this was going to happen.)

    Go to hell.*

    cry me a river were too if you wish me to go to hell then you might as well provide the funding:/...i don't got the kind of money to just travel whenever the fonk I feel like it....

    /shadow's enemy list


  • and the award goes to...*drum roll*.. 2003-07-22 21:51:10 Steel Jaguar for most pointless ranting ever on the org about a dead subject....congratulations, here, have this new pony, never been used...I swear...

    good times

  • and the award goes to...*drum roll*.. 2003-07-22 21:50:17  
Current server time: Jan 20, 2025 09:51:21