Yoko's Rant #7: AMV withdrawal
2006-11-12 10:23:36
If it's anything I like to bitch about other than the bound to happen incidents on, which lately I've been growing quite an adjustment to like it or not.
But anyways I'd like to rant about what I'm sure everyone has gone through once in their life as an amv edittor..."Empty Inspiration".
I don't mean less motivated to making amvs but the completely opposite, I mean more of the lines of your fresh out of ideas, and your just striving, going to wal-mart, Bestbuy, LIMEWIRE, or perhaps look at another amv to see if you can find a good band to use or not.
I believe this is what they call..."A Starving Artist"
But anyways people thanx for clicking and reading this rant which I hope has not offended anyone to any points whatsoever.
But I would like more than anything is a PM from any one reading this to help me through this "Empty Inspiration" feeling in amvs.
Do I shut down MTV?,Do i not watch cartoon network anymore?.....You better believe it(ok People no pun intended....Believe it)
but seriously I need help for an hour like this :/
Yoko's Rant #6: Is this hell already?
2006-10-02 10:12:37
Ok idk about you guys but i'm finding it very annoying of seeing another title, with the word HELL in it any further. Thats right....I'm talking about AMV HELL, I admit for ALMOST trying to start a project called Evan-HELL-ion. But over all i grew to know better about originallity but overall was too busy to work on my own.
Working on AMV hell was great privelage to work on and to work with the 2 creators of it was also a great honor. But I believe enough is a enough with this project. I keep seeing projects like ".hack//hell" and so many hells OH HELL IT EVEN INSPIRED THE MOST POPULAR FIRST PERSON SHOOTER IN MICROSOFT HISTORY,HALO to do a HALO Hell skit.
AMV Hell was awsome, but now that it groes to become some behomoth, fire breathing, Abomination, it's enough to drive ne one nuts!
Like one day in my class, like say...1 week after AMV Hells Premier, I've heard nothing but HAIL HITLER, BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP,and the damn thing was filled with more AZUMANGA daioh to make a AZU-holic.
I'm trying to say is, lets stop this fad before it becomes a Euphoria for god sakes
Yoko's Rant #5: Brave or Coward
2006-01-09 01:38:30
I like to bring up about my AMVFD being misconcepted once more. Doesn't everyone just LOVE quick Comments, I know the lazy people do thats for sure. OR could I be wrong and have some Yaihoo too coward to type his name on the quick comments. For Me i don't believe in that. BUT Here is a little quote from a special someone.
first of all: u had SOME good points. Second: dude yoko kurama u are to full of yourself. On behalf of all REAL video makers U SUCK...WHO DO U THINK U ARE SAYING ALL THAT SHIT?! AND SERIOUSLY UR VIDEO WAS RETARDED!!!!!!
Well out of 4 Quick Comments this one stood out the most as you can see.
I speak for everyone when the quick comment can be abused to hurt somebody now, when i went through this thing before but with my new shinigami rock video a man with Cantelopes for Balls actually typed their name in the quick comment, for that my friend, who I will not name, I will forever Respect you for at least atleast backing up your words with facts and with confidence.
We can all learn from these type of people and this person.
Now if this person reads this journal...I speak for the REAL men of the world and not just video makers that you are nothing but a coward only using harsh language at me would be the only coward's way out. This goes for everyone else who has suffered the same as I did.
Am I pissed off cause i got a bad
Do I think people are soo stupid to need a
Do I believe we should have the right to face our accusers and think that people like this is only a coward to show up to back up his words....yes
So If ur reading this Kind Sir or Mam. Please confront me like ne person who can back up their words.
I hate to say this but for people like this think that terrible on all I have to say is this....
Ur mouths are like an Giant Asshole...nothing good comes out of it.
Yoko's Rant #4 Misconception!
2005-11-12 14:59:14
Ok so far I think this is gonna be a new hype for Bleach as in the Soi Fon and Yoruichi thing they got going on, I've been more of a fan of bleach and read the MANGA may I remind you which is way ahead of the series going on now, then you think. First off, unless they're toung kissing and kootchie banging with each other then you might wanna ask some questions if they are not. But until you give me proof that their lesbians I will stand against you all the way. This will be the next Asuka and Rei conspiracy I can just tell.
Yoko's Rant #3: Finally 4Kids entertainment might Get what it deserves.
2005-08-24 17:30:45
As said on, the 4kids entertainment's net income and revenue is tossed like a monopoly game board when they announce in the 2nd quarter that their stock, and ratings are decreasing as fast as you can count.
And now they resort to use another bishoujo anime and turning it into an animation that is primarily being pointed to the female category, just like they did with Card Captors Sakura.
4kids does what it does for one reason though. It seems to be cheaper when u totally change something than follow the original anime. That not only that but They think Kids probably around at 11 or under, can't adapt to another culture. Basically their saying that kids are too stupid not to know the difference between a rice ball and a cookie, nor to learn another culture from their own.
Also Another thing that 4kids Tried to make an attempt to get the liscense for Naruto, till one of the translators got to the big cheese first to tell him about the failure of One Piece.
The day that 4 kids will crumble down faster than rosie o' donnel's career will be a Flippin God Send to us all.
Finally...One Piece liscense might be regained by hopefully another trusting company, at this case i'm willing to hope funimation gets the liscense.
Finally...Shovels won't be dubbed over guns making it look rediculous when a shovel is held like a gun, David Moo(sanji) won't be playing as sanji ne more nor will he have to keep that lolly pop in his mouth holding it in a ciggeret fashion (which happens to be a cig) No chopped up stories, Pop gun wieling pirates, rubber knives, and especially the day when a kid can tell the difference between a rice ball and a cookie apart.
Pm me what u thought about this journal from me.
See ya on the next vid folks!
Keep in touch with the amv hell 3 movie!
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