JOURNAL: Kyotoko

  • finally 2004-01-08 08:14:54 Got my ftp working and the Kenshin vid got uploaded today. Still working on Hakusho vid, got sidetracked by the Kikyo (Inuyasha) video I had started.. too much stuff. The Kikyo video just got finished--took over a week and I tried working with stills on that one too. Used clips from several eps including Into The Miasma, but was thinking about changing some of it, because I notice that a lot of people are using similar clips. Music is good though, The Cult. OooOOh, I'm tired now, going to bed soon.. I'm surrounded by cats though Meryl<-----me----->Millie

    zzzzZZ -_- ZZzzzz 
  • 2003-12-23 10:57:44 Started a new vid, with several more waiting in the wings... I've got notes lined up. Should only take a couple of weeks if things go well. Using Hakusho movies (don't know if I should use the ghost files series) and slightly weird techno/metal music.  
  • oooh dammit! 2003-12-22 04:36:34 Tried to upload Kenshin vid yesterday ... hold on. Cat on the monitor. Aaaanyway, my ftp server kept messing up. Hey, leave that cord alone! Damn cat.. probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't expect to say things like "Hey, stop drinking the fish water". The fish look offended because their ecosystem is being swallowed by a bunch of giant furry beasts. Hmmm, sounds like anime.

    Uggh, crapmonkeys.. this ftp should not give me a hard time else I have to get out the hamme..... errhh 'computer pursuader', that's it. I've already said three holy monitors and prayed to deity of Dell.

    Don't worry, I've decided to keep Farscape out of my vids for now ;p and just on my monitor and tv. Even though Ben Browder and Lani Tupu are yummy.. I'll just go watch Scratch N Sniff while this uploads.. yeah that's it.  
  • Weeeeeeeeee!! :) 2003-12-21 11:16:23 After agonizing over clips (unburied the cat covered in cd's... poor kitty) and 'theatrical' crapola on my Inuyasha vid, I finished it. The other day, in fact. It sat on the puter for several days during beta tests: "well, now this can't be right" "errrk.... what? it's not responding??" "holy monkeyweasels, this'll never work" and finally "well, does look like sh*t or is it okie?". Betas are over, download, enjoy and pick away.

    Now, for the new epics I'm working on. A Kikyo vid-- music's chosen, now it's time for the insanity to begin :P . Thought of using FireWoman but decided against it.

    Finished my epic Kenshin video this morning around 4:30, right before my neutered (!) male cat in H-E-A-T (??) got out. He was rolling in the gravel driveway like an imbecile. *sob* We still haven't got rid of the new stray and this idiot leaves the house that has 3 female cats to go out in 20-fweekin' degree weather and roll in the gravel!? Back to the video-- tweaked with it until around 8 and I'm unrolling it now. It's big at 6 1/2 min long and uses Last Goodbye (Remembrance).

    Everyone here please enjoy your holiday, whichever you celebrate. I've still got Christmas crap to do.

    Be Well :) 
  • well, this can't be right.. 2003-12-06 14:28:23 Hmm, wow! 2 feet of snow, a stray starving on my doorstep, and my new vid ... Shoveled the snow, flea dipped the cat (say hello, Meryl-- we'll just add her to the other cats and stamp a GIANT S on my head for Sucker).

    Now, the Vid. The song is and anime (Inuyasha) are perfect together, I just cannot hit it right. When I do get an epiphany, it's for another video that I could just start and shove this one away. Decided to go cold turkey on the Inuyasha vids. Maybe that will help ::prays::. At least now I know where my mind is if someone ponders that I've lost it-- it's in this journal. Right next to my meager sanity points. 
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