JOURNAL: spearcarrier (Katrina Joyner)

  • Code Geass AMV revisited 2008-12-04 01:08:21 Yay! It won 2nd place in the Creative AMV contest! Woots. 
  • My Code Geass AMV 2008-11-15 09:18:48 So someone liked my Code Geass AMV so much that they ganked it and put it up on their Youtube site, claiming it for their own.

    I'm flattered and slightly annoyed. All you gotta do is give proper credit, and people will watch it anyway. Lawdy.

    When I was uploading the Code Geass video here, someone came and gave it the lowest opinion possible before I could even get it live. Which lets you know how pathetic people can be. If you're that afraid of the competition, go away. =^-^= Especially since it can't be THAT BAD if someone else wanted to steal it.

    The AMV I'm working on now isn't going so well because the things I want it to do appear to be impossible. But I'm trying.

    I like daisies. 
  • First post, thought on an amv 2008-09-18 21:05:02 So I worked hard in the past 24 hours to make a new amv. I tend to pull all-nighters when I do that.

    I showed the pre-final edit version to 3 people.

    One said the tempo was good.
    The second said the tempo was terrible because ballet doesn't go with hard rock.
    The third sneered and left the room.

    *sighs and goes back to editing* 
Current server time: Mar 18, 2025 20:16:16