obama timez!
2008-11-23 17:53:37
O; -
2008-11-19 23:12:00
>> - yay 2008-11-18 12:58:38 deshi ur sexy crap is out!! =]
2008-11-18 02:00:14
best banner ever
totally vote for it
just so i can no who made it
=P -
2008-11-18 01:39:47
Quick Comments For: Clarity
* 2008-11-17 22:43:08Being a dude, you should know that using Michael Jackson is just not cool. I'm very dissapointed. But it is a nice feminine video. Quite the opposite of what I expected of you.
aw come on. just cuz i got a sex change and grew a penis doesn't mean i can't make girly videos anymore O: