D. Shimare (Dralore Shimare)
I R d0n3.
2001-11-06 18:52:17
Listenin to "Never Could Have Been Worse" which is probably my favorite Trigun BGM. (Frightening aren't I?)
Anyway, I have finished my Wolfwood Tribute video. Im done. Finished. Finito. Fin. Not gonna work on it NO MORE! >.< I dont think I could stand listening to "Warm Safe Place" one more freakin time. x.x Well, gee, that one only took me a month. --; Of nearly non-stop work. I dont think I could manage to edit out another subtitle or tweak anymore timing or transparency. *falls over* Im bout dead. Gonnna be a LONG while till I get bored enough to do another music vid. And so, I declare this project officially (or unofficially) over. Good night. Have a nice time.
*goes to put it up*
2001-11-04 20:54:27
from MTAC. *laugh* I have found that the only bad thing about small cons is the lack of dealers. There were NO videos in the dealer's room (so I spent the last of my money on a Wolfwood action figure *giggle*). So much for buying my mom the last tape of Trigun!
And now to finish the touches on my Wolfwood tribute video! ^^; There was this girl, at the con, who like, told my friend the major spoiler on the last tape. o.o;;; That REALLY bugs me! >.< Cruelty! Not that I wasnt spoiled for it. -.- I mean, theres this poem title on >p like, DUH. x.x ANYWAY! Gotta mess with the transparencies and tighten what timing I have. And I also have to work on my family history project! x.x.x.x.x.x.x... but im so tired...*sigh*
Oh! Wait! I just remembered! I met the dub voice of Parn! That was cool. He also did KuroNekoSama! *laughs!* I taught him how to say the name. ^_^v I also met the dub voice of Krillin! He drew on my piece of paper! ^_^
ok, bai now! ^^
Im bored. Go away.
2001-11-01 18:25:41
Im bored. Seriously. I suppose I COULD tighten up the timing on the Wolfwood(/Milly) tribute video Im making. But, but, Im hungry! ^^; And no one will tune the TV in to a channel I like.
Anyway, I stayed after school to print stuff, right? WELL, guess what? I couldnt print anything out cause I saved it all to my diskette in the wrong format! >.< Goddess, I HATE that. So I sat there for an hour and a half trying to get SOMETHING to print. And nothing would. >.< I was SO annoyed.
Then I called my house to tell my mom to pick me up, and she was out shopping. o.0 And I dont know the cell phone #. >.< So I sat outside for an hour and a half waiting. Grr. >.< Why? Cause my bro didnt tell em till they pulled up to the house after they got back from shopping. >P
But! In good news! Im going to MTAC. Middle Tennessee Anime Convention. Its still teeny-tiny, but I figure I can help support it since its not too far (only across the state). Im going as female Ranma. Sort of. ^^; I have these pink Chinese pajamas *snicker* and Im going to wear those, put my hair in a braid, and maybe spray a little red hair stuff on my auburn hair. *laugh* Im so cheap. Going to buy those ship shoes too. Those black pieces of junk that you can just slip on. Oh, wait, no cant. *laugh* MTAC is tomorrow. ^^;; My bad! Oh well.
Why are you crying Mister? / Im crying because I just lost my best friend
2001-10-31 19:58:23
Quote-alicious isnt it? Im so very amused. Ive been using anime quotes all in my family history project. >) BWAHAH! ph33r! Ive got everything from the Dragon Slave to.. to.. EVERYTHING! *laughs* Oh well. I guess Ive found somehting fun in this. Going to go do ecology homework now.
Oh, almost done with one of the Wolfwood videos. o.0; For some reason I started another one. -.-; And I never finished the first one. (Shoot me.) Hey, EK, want some more footage for another "failed experiments in video editing" ? ^^; i have 3 unfinished vids now. --;
Its been a while/ since I first saw you....
2001-10-30 07:22:48
Im being so unoriginal. No, seriously. Im back into video editing. Though I've ended up scrapping my previous projects. Anyway, back to my unoriginality (is that even a word?). Im using Trigun (geez, talk about following the crowd *sigh*) and making a video on Wolfwood (spoilerific). Well, not as spoilerific as youd think... I guess anyway. x.x So, here, is a tribute, to my unorganized, unoriginal self. Oh, and the song Im using has already been used 6 times for other anime (not Trigun). *SIGHHH...*
In other news, Im still working on my family history project. >.< I hate my english teacher.
*Keeper of Xelloss' Cheek Twitch
*Unofficial Guardian of the Portable Confessional*
Current server time: Jan 15, 2025 09:08:55