D. Shimare (Dralore Shimare)
*laugh* DDR -IS- harder than it looks!
2001-10-13 20:49:22
How do I know? My friend Val-chan (gee, she gets mentioned a lot), quite literally dragged me out of bed so I could go play it with her. ^^; Ends up she found a 2nd/3rd Mix DDR in our nearby city of Knoxville. Yes, my dear friends, it IS harder than it looks. Coder, at least you got better. I was quite the worse for wear. Having never played it before and all...
Maybe I should stick to Bust-A-Groove 2... ^^;
It doesnt matter tho...She's dragging us back there tomorrow. *giggles*
In other news, I wrote a fic from Milly's POV about Wolfwood. Spoilers for episode 22. Ive only seen one episode past 22, it was that weird and wacky one on the 8th tape where it just shows Knives and Vash shooting each other over and over again. o.0; That was the first episode of Trigun I ever saw (goddess help me...)...
Trigun good...Slayers good... Record of Lodoss good... Now... how did this happen?
2001-10-13 13:33:45
My friends and I have an age old tradition, we find a character in the anime we're watching, and we claim that character as ourselves. For example, I dubbed Val-chan, Milly (Val is an airhead, what can I say..) and I became Meryl. Instantly. Of course between the two of us, we could easily trade those off, but Val happens to be the one thats more 'fun loving.' Anyway, I showed her the tape where Wolfwood comes into play. And then the one after that (the weird one, episodes 11 - 13). By the time we finished that one, somehow, not only was I Meryl, I ended up Wolfwood too. o.0 And she ended up being Milly and Vash! x.x A little bit after that, we were like, wait, that means couples. (We support Me/V and Mi/W, down with evil V/W yaoi! >.<) *giggle* So, now, no matter who we are, we end up couples. Its such a far cry from Inu-Yasha where Im Inu-Yasha and/or Shippo, and Val-chan is Sango and Miroku, and our friend Megs is Kagome. ^^; Then of course, we have Slayers, where Im Lina and Xelloss, Val is Valgarv and Zelgadis, and Megs is Sylphiel and Marchina. (Chris, the only male we regularly talk to, he's Amelia. ^^;)
x.x I know. This is so boring to you. I just thought it was weird. *laugh*
I hate radio stations....
2001-10-12 16:12:11
*growl grumble grumble* They were supposed to play our song. Damn them. Val-chan and I requested a song and they havent played it yet. I dont think they will. >.<
In other news... My friend and I found Dance Dance Revolution 2nd & 3rd Mix at an arcade in the nearest big city (get on the interstate, ride for about 20 minutes, turn off, drive to very very large mall). It was my first time playing. *laughs!* fun as hell when you have two people going! We did Kung Fu Fighting and tried our luck at Butterfly, but halfway through we messed up horribly and couldnt get back on beat! *laughs* "Danger! Danger! Danger!" "FAILED" *giggles* That game is exhausting.
Im currently making a Wolfwood winamp skin. No. Shut up. Im not becoming obsessed.
Holy hells...
2001-10-12 01:21:47
Is everyone watching Trigun all of a sudden? o.0; I mean, I finished watching through tape seven (my mom decided she liked Vash sometime during AWA and she ended up buying tapes 2-7 dubbed x.x), anyway, freaky. But still, Ive seen one of the episodes on tape 8 and THAT made no sense what so ever either...
Suddenly my brain decided "You like Nicholas D. Wolfwood, and there is nothing you can do about it." o.0; I ended up making two wallpapers of him at 3 AM yesterday. --; AND I was drawin him before the wedding (yeah, there was a wedding today that I ended up invited to), and then, instead of socializing during the reception I doodled SD Wolfwood and Vash heads x.x agghh..
In other news, I caught the bouquet at the wedding...^^; This is really funny considering Im so single that the only guy friend I talk to is gay. This also happens to be the only guy in school who takes any interest in what happens to me. Except for my one (and only) ex-boyfriend. I hope my ex burns in hell...
*cough cough* Before I go too far down that path... I dont think either of the videos Ive been working on will make it. Im having too much trouble going through 35 episodes of fansubbed Inu-Yasha that are stuck onto my computer.
Combine that with the fact that I dont have any other source material besides 11 episodes of Kodocha (Child's Toy) and 3 eps of Bastard!!! (which I really should delete), youll see why I have so much trouble making music videos. Especially since neither Kodocha or Bastard! are interesting source material to me... -.-
I dont think youll see any more finished work from me... *sigh* Remind me and I might post what I have of my two unfinished Inu-Yasha music vids...
Thanks Ein...
2001-10-09 13:27:30
Appreciate your sympathy...Yeah, it really sucked to wake up crying...
In other news, I gather its EK's birthday. So, Happy B-day EK!
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